[en] Words missing in the spellers


I have opened a case in Kevin Atkinson’s GitHub after downloading LanguageTool’s .txt that contains a list of missing words in the spellers.

Here is the case:

I have noticed that many dozens are missing in my GB fork and I will start checking/adding them tomorrow or Saturday.

In the US speller it is a chaos as most of them are missing…

For three or four years that I have been maintaining the GB speller and I have added ~29’000 words to it.

There were the days when I used to post in his GitHub thousands(?!) of words I added to GB that were missing in US, but Kevin would only add three or four from the huge list…

So, I have given up suggesting words to Kevin, and this is probably the last time I will do it.


Why not fork the project and realease your own dictionary, and discuss with the English maintainance team to start integrating those improvements as a test here?
It would be a great “playground” and your dictionary could prove its value before mass acceptance.

I have already forked the GB speller in 2013 and it is used by Mozilla, OpenOffice and LibreOffice (and some other projects):

I have already started implementing the words that were in speller.txt but I can’t add them all as some can’t be found on Oxford/Collins dictionary.

I can’t fork the US speller because I am only into British English as the idea is that, as I progress with the adding of words, I also grow in knowledge.

It is just like Portuguese (Portugal) and Portuguese (Brazil), I want to keep away from the Brazilian variance.