European Portuguese (PT-PT) rule contributions

<!-- Concordance error person - They + Verb --> <!-- Created by Tiago F. Santos, Portuguese rule, 2016-10-16 --> <rule id="ERRO_DE_CONCORDNCIA_DO_NMERO_DO_VERBO_3P" name="Erro de concordância do número do verbo"> <pattern> <marker> <token regexp="yes">eles|elas|vocês</token> <token min="0" max="2" postag='CS|RG|RN' postag_regexp='yes'/> <token postag='VM[CIS][CFIMPS][12]P0|VM[CIS][CFIMPS][123]S0' postag_regexp='yes'> <exception postag='VM[CIS][CFIMPS]3P0' postag_regexp='yes'></exception></token> </marker> </pattern> <message>Erro de concordância verbal.</message> <url></url> <example correction=''><marker>Eles passeia</marker> na praia.</example> </rule>

Regarding the corrections, there is indeed, in some cases, a suggestion of “o” being changed to “oo” (not a portuguese dictionary word)

Word “oo” is in the dictionary with postag “NCMP000”.
If this is unacceptable, we need remove this word from the dictionary, or remove “NCMP000” from suggestion like this:
<suggestion><match no="1" postag="(D[AI]0MP0|AQ0MP0)" postag_regexp="yes"/> <match no="2"/></suggestion></message>
and rewrite correction in example.

The Portuguese morphological dictionary is full of typos, just like I said before.

For several times I found wrong suggestions and when I analysed the words, they had incorrect tags in the dictionary.


Before adding a lot of rules at once I always like to wait for the nightly diffs so that issues can be fixed before placing more rules that would increase complexity.

Your rules generated TONS of false hits:

Until they are fixed I am not adding any more rules.


Ideally it would be removed from the dictionary. I believe it is an artifact from OpenOffice (OO), since it appers in more places.
Changing the tag is not a solution. This rule identifies determinants, nouns and adverves and checks for number congruency. Removing NCMP000 tag would exclude all male (M) common © nouns (N).
I have read the developer documentation but I do not remember seeing any tag from match exclusions. That would allow to remove the “Oo” and other possible errors from the results.

There are errors, it is true, but this is not the case. It is just an abbreviation that should not be there.

This morfological dictionary is in binary form and, as such, it is not editable. It is impossible to recreate a morfological dictionary with the available open Natura dictionaries (ISpell/MySpell/Hunspell based) because they lack the extensive morfological information that this one has (although they might have more words).
Trying that approach would revert a great deal of the work that was (very well) done on it and would create an inferior morfological dictionary.

The morfological dictionary is the core of any grammar tool. Ideally you contact the author and ask him/her the base dictionary, or, request a new binary with the typos you want fixed. I would do that myself but the auther is not referenced in any place I can find.


We both know that this 10 rules cover more grammatical error situations than then majority of the existing rules combined. They produce false positives in situations of compound subjects, but is nice to be warned about this type of inconsistencies.

The false positives appear mostly in XX (dictionary should have it as number or neutral noun) and são (which is a plural verb and a singular noun for sane). I have not excluded verbs from the analysis because there are often issues with verbal consistencies but rules can and will be developed.
Remember that this type of false positives also happen in commercial software solutions.

Those are the kind of rules that the user expects from a very basic grammar checker, so they should be here from day 1. See:

It is easier to work if willingness to create solutions and constructive criticism is presented. Understanding the scope of each rule and pointing out were the issue may lay is also welcome. There is still a lot of basic rules to be implemented and they are long overdue.

PS - This post has been edited. My apologies to Marco for the excessive reaction and I hope to compensate by the late hour post edit and reworked of the rules with the information from the test results where I fixed the most common false positives, working around dictionary issues.

We already had this discussion years ago in the mailing list and with Minho University:

Minho’s University has the needed information in the speller… I only need to know and have the time to develop some code that would convert the speller to binary.

Then we could join prereform + postreform, delete the duplicates and create a binary.

Rule with extra exceptions for dictionary issues. Demonstrative and possissive determinantes added to the logic.

<!-- Concordance error plural - OS > O --> <!-- Created by Tiago F. Santos, Portuguese rule, 2016-10-15 --> <rule id="ERRO_DE_CONCORDNCIA_DO_MASCULINO_PLURAL_OS_O" name="Erro de concordância do masculino plural"> <pattern> <marker> <token postag='D[ADIP][0123]MP[0P]|NC[MC]P000|AQ0[MC]P0' postag_regexp='yes'> <exception postag='CC|CS|RG|RN|SPS00' postag_regexp='yes'></exception> <exception regexp="yes">[IDMVX]|[IDMVX][IDMVX]|[IDMVX][IDMVX][IDMVX]</exception> </token> <token postag='NC[MC]S000|AQ0[MC]S0' postag_regexp='yes'> <exception postag='P[ID][0123][CFM][SP]000|CC|CS|RG|RN|SPS00' postag_regexp='yes'></exception> <exception regexp="yes">há|são|ser</exception></token> </marker> </pattern> <message>Erro de concordância do plural. <suggestion><match no="1" postag="(D[ADIP][0123]MS[0S]|NC[MC]S000|AQ0[MC]S0)" postag_regexp="yes"/> <match no="2"/></suggestion> ou <suggestion><match no="1"/> <match no="2" postag="(NC[MC]P000|AQ0[MC]P0)" postag_regexp="yes"/></suggestion>. </message> <example correction='O cão|Os cães|Os cãos'><marker>Os cão</marker> está no pasto.</example> </rule>




Erro de concordância do plural.

 <example correction=''><marker>O cães</marker> estão no pasto.</example>


<!-- Concordance error plural - A > AS -->
<!-- Created by Tiago F. Santos, Portuguese rule, 2016-10-15 -->
<rule id="ERRO_DE_CONCORDNCIA_DO_FEMININO_PLURAL_A_AS" name="Erro de concordância do feminino plural">
  <token postag='D[ADIP][0123]FS[0S]|NC[FC]S000|AQ0[FC]S0' postag_regexp='yes'>
  <exception postag='CC|CS|RG|RN' postag_regexp='yes'></exception></token>
  <token postag='NC[FC]P000|AQ0[FC]P0' postag_regexp='yes'>
  <exception postag='P[ID][0123][CFM][SP]000|CC|CS|RG|RN|SPS00' postag_regexp='yes'></exception></token>
 <message>Erro de concordância do plural:
  <suggestion><match no="1" postag="(D[ADIP][0123]FP[0P]|NC[FC]P000|AQ0[FC]P0)" postag_regexp="yes"/> <match no="2"/></suggestion> ou <suggestion><match no="1"/> <match no="2" postag="(NC[FC]S000|AQ0[FC]S0)" postag_regexp="yes"/></suggestion>.
  <example correction='As vacas|A vaca'><marker>A vacas</marker> são malhadas.</example>

As -> A and A -> As only have extras range. Demonstrative and possissive determinantes added to the logic.

<!-- Concordance error plural - AS > A --> <!-- Created by Tiago F. Santos, Portuguese rule, 2016-10-15 --> <rule id="ERRO_DE_CONCORDNCIA_DO_FEMININO_PLURAL_AS_A" name="Erro de concordância do feminino singular"> <pattern> <marker> <token postag='D[ADIP][0123]FP[0P]|NC[FC]P000|AQ0[FC]P0' postag_regexp='yes'> <exception postag='CC|CS|RG|RN|SPS00' postag_regexp='yes'></exception></token> <token postag='NC[FC]S000|AQ0[FC]S0' postag_regexp='yes'> <exception postag='P[ID][0123][CFM][SP]000|CC|CS|RG|RN|SPS00' postag_regexp='yes'></exception></token> </marker> </pattern> <message>Erro de concordância do plural. <suggestion><match no="1" postag="(D[ADIP][0123]FS[0S]|NC[FC]S000|AQ0[FC]S0)" postag_regexp="yes"/> <match no="2"/></suggestion> ou <suggestion><match no="1"/> <match no="2" postag="(NC[FC]P000|AQ0[FC]P0)" postag_regexp="yes"/></suggestion>. </message> <example correction='A vaca|As vacas'><marker>As vaca</marker> são malhadas.</example> </rule>

You can, however, use added.txt and removed.txt as a workaround to fix items without touching the binary dictionary. See here and here for an example in English, the same idea will work for Portuguese.


Marco “The Gate Keeper” has added your fixes plus your new rules.

Please notice that I have tested your fixes and they still produce false positives.

Way of testing them:

I opened the HTML that had the night results and copy/paste into LO and saved as .ODT.

I downloaded the latest nightly OXT and added the grammar.xml into it after converting the OXT to ZIP.

Here is the latest grammar.xml:

Tiago, please try to add examples to the rules, so that the stand-alone tool shows them.


Perfect solution.
That will fix any pending issues with the few words that lack morphological informations or that are improperly cataloged.

If I understand correctly we just need a removed.txt with " oo oo NCMP000 " fixes the suggestions issue.

I will in due time, but first things first. Probably it can be instantly fixed by:

Sure the examples have some importance but with so many more relevant things to be done, I prefer not to focus with details.
Those regression tests are very useful to verify that type of issues so I will keep an eye on them and I will adjust the new rules accordingly.


I have added “oo” to the file.

“cãos” is also in the morphologic dictionary wrongly.

How do I add it to the removed.txt?

It says on the analysis:
cãos cão

I want to be sure I will do it right.

I changed Java code for support “removed.txt” in Portuguese,
and improved “removed.txt”:

oo o NCMP000

Many thanks Yakov. Now anyone can easily fix the dictionary in a way that changes can be reviewed by anyone.


Checking the regression test, the results with the new rules have been great. Considering that there are 6 more rules the end of the day result is this:

-Portuguese: 4468 total matches -Portuguese: ø0,11 rule matches per sentence +Portuguese: 3849 total matches +Portuguese: ø0,10 rule matches per sentence

Considering that some false positive are actually valid grammar corrections is even better:

+Line 1, column 132, Rule ID: ERRO_DE_CONCORDNCIA_DO_NMERO_DO_VERBO_3P[1]
+Message: Erro de concordância verbal.
+… mais bem servidos nessa área, ainda que em todos eles haja grandes

  •                                                                                            ^^^^^^^^

+Message: Erro de concordância verbal.
+Eu costuma jogar frequentemente tênis com ele nos domingos.
+^^^^^^^^^^ `

We can even reduce this a bit further by adding to the new removed.txt this:

oo oo NCMP000 cãos cãos NCMP000 cãos cãos AQ0MP0 uma uma VMIP2S0 uma uma VMIP2S0 umas umas VMIP2S0

I was going to post all XML rules for punctuation, but many of the rules I have recreated are available but inactive by default in the LO extension.

They are active for other languages in the same build environment. Is there any pertinent bug that require them to be predefined as inactive for the Portuguese language?

The JAVA rules are ative by default in most (all?) other languages. The ones I have noticed that are inactive by default specifically in Portuguese are: “Capitalization”, “Word repetition”, “Double spacing” and both “Punctuation rules”.

When you have time, can you verify this?

For the verbal forms I will add an exception for the ‘e’ (and) before ‘eu|tu|você|ele|ela’ as well as an exception for the controversial haver inflections of the verb “haver”. This will further reduce the false positives.

On the other way, some of the extra “false positives” from yesterday were actually valid corrections, and they are the ones bloating the score.
+Os espanhóis abriram muitas mina de prata em suas

While I was reviewing this I was able to find a few easy more correction to add to removed.txt.

oo oo NCMP000 cãos cãos NCMP000 cãos cãos AQ0MP0 uma uma VMIP2S0 uma uma VMIP2S0 umas umas VMIP2S0 o o NCMS000 há há NCMS000 fez fez NCMS000 imperador imperador NCMP000 imperador imperador AQ0MP0