How can I change all mistakes in one time?

I have many articles with the word ‘patient’, which need to be corrected to ‘patiënt’.
No I have to click on each word to correc it.
Is there a way to do this with 1 click, so change all, in a page/document?

If “patient” -> “patiënt” is the only correction you’re looking for, it’s better to simply use search/replace of your text editor. The command line version of LT has an --apply switch that applies all suggestions, but you’d want to combine this with -e and -eo options to only activate reliable rules.

Yolanda, let wel op bij ‘zoek en vervang’ dat je niet toevallig ook patient (geduldig) vervangt als het deel is van een Engels citaat.
(please beware not to replace ‘patient’ when it is part of an English quote.)

Using – apply is not advisable for the Dutch rules, not even spellchecking. There is too much ambiguity in our language.

@Ruud, thank you for your respons. I’m aware of the risks and this was just an example.
It shouldn’t matter what language we use.

@dnaber, if I understand it correctly, there is a way to have do this, but it’s a coding thing?

No, but it needs LT to be called on the command line and it only supports plain text files (as all of LT).

Technically, it is simple. But since most warnings are only an advice, where there is a choice of solutions, depending on context and intention, there are only some rules that are good enough to be automatically applied. Mostly plain interpunction rules.

Anyway, I am interested in the question behind this question. What are you trying to achieve?

Feel free to contact me in Dutch at

@dnaber: What I understand from this all now is the suggestion to add ‘apply everywhere’ as an extra button/option, that should check for the same marked area, same rule for same language in the entire text and apply suggestion then.

It is most probable to help for common (spelling) mistakes. It does feel a bit like ‘autocorrect’ which is in most text processors, but is missing in LT by itself. So that might be another way to go: have autocorrect in LT. (I would love it…)

Yes Ruud, that is exactly what I mean. I have a lot of articles with the same words spell bad. One click to change them all would cost less time.

An auto correct would be great as well.
And another idea: what about merging your own words (you add in your own list) with the suggestion list?

If you could set the address of the LT server the plug-in should use, you could direct it to a LT server you setup yourself. On that server you could add words to LT.

Hi Ruud, I have no idea how to do this, I’m not working on a server and I don’t know where to find the LT server?

That is a bit complicated to explain. Can you get help from your technical IT staff?

No, it’s just me. No business. I will contact you via email in Dutch.