Paradox in the rule of putting a comma

Paradox in the rule of putting a comma.

Nie ma to jak nasza Polska Natura, szczególnie na wsi.
MESSAGE: Probably the lack of a comma.
MESSAGE: shouldbe: to, jak

Nie ma to jak, nasza Polska Natura, szczególnie na wsi.
MESSAGE: Probably an unnecessary comma
MESSAGE: shouldbe: jak

I don’t speak Polish, so forgive me if I don’t get your point.

In your first example, LT suggests to put a comma after “to”, in your second example it suggest to delete the comma after “jak”. Where’s the paradox?

Add comma (as suggested LT) - wrong
Delete comma (as suggested LT) - wrong
This is to add comma?
Do not add comma?

they are each other’s result, making for a chicken/egg paradox.