Spanish variations

Hi there!

Will LT support Spanish variations from other countries than Spain?

Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, …


We usually use the hunspell dictionaries available as Open Source. Are there different dictionaries for all these variations?

In Firefox, you can add different Spanish dictionaries.

At the Mozilla site you can see Spanish dictionaries from Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, etc.ñol

Here I found hunspell dictionaries for the Spanish variations.
Also here

Is that what you said?

Thanks. I have added an issue at Support different variants of Spanish · Issue #1487 · languagetool-org/languagetool · GitHub - the main problem with Spanish is that we currently have no active maintainer for it who takes care of it and tests changes like these.

Thank you. I hope you find a good Spanish maintainer soon. This is a very nice language tool.

@jusore, current dictionary is neutral, even though it claims to be ES_es, it is a version enriched and processed with several lexicon projects. You may replace the Hunspell dictionary for spell check if you like, however the version for grammar will remain the same and will include all derivatives found in the lexicons (Wikipedia, Wikinews and the alike)

Gracias por la aclaración @Juan_Martorell. He conocido LT recientemente y me encanta. Lo hallé al buscar la manera de que al chatear con Firefox en varios idiomas no necesitara seleccionar constantemente el idioma en el que escribo en cada conversación para que me marque correctamente las incorrecciones.

He hecho alguna sugerencia como esta en el foro, por si interesan …


LT en la Sidebar

… y les he hablado a algunos conocidos de LN, que lo van a empezar a usar.

Un saludo.