You have added your rules to hi/grammar.xml. This file will not be used until you add support for Hindi, as documented at Adding A New Language - LanguageTool Wiki. So you either add support for Hindi, or you add your rules to the English grammar file, en/grammar.xml.
I have modified it and placed it in en/grammar.xml
There’s a special character before the “j” at
That’s why LT cannot find the rule. If your editor doesn’t show the character, try another editor or just delete id=“jarasa” and re-add it.
That was because i had wriiten that rule previously in hindi but since command prompt didn’t accept hindi I modified that particular rule id in english.
But it still says couldn’t find rule.
Is there any probelm with location of grammar.xml file
Command was:-
C:\Users\pratikbsp>java -jar C:\Users\pratikbsp\LanguageTool-wikipedia-2.9-SNAPS
HOT\languagetool-wikipedia.jar check-data -l en -f C:\Users\pratikbsp\hiwiki-lat
est-pages-articles.xml -r jarasa --max-errors 100
WARNING: Could not find rule ‘jarasa’
Only these rules are enabled: [jarasa]
All spelling rules are disabled
Working on: C:\Users\pratikbsp\hiwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml
Sentence limit: no limit
Error limit: 100
Sorry, I cannot reproduce that problem. Here’s what I do in your cloned fork:
mvn clean package -DskipTests
cd languagetool-wikipedia/target/LanguageTool-wikipedia-2.9-SNAPSHOT/LanguageTool-wikipedia-2.9-SNAPSHOT/
Then I call the same command as you do, and I do not get the warning about the rule not found.