I’m pleased to announce the release of LanguageTool 2.7. As usual, it is
available for download at http://www.languagetool.org. If you’re using
the LibreOffice/OpenOffice add-on you can also make the update directly
from the extension manager (right mouse button → Update).
Changes include:
- Many updates for the error detection rules for Breton, Catalan, German, English, Esperanto, Spanish, French, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, and Russian.
- Added support for Persian
- Added support for Tamil
- Improved spell checking suggestions for English
- Bug fixes
- Improved footnote handling in LibreOffice 4.3 and later
- Java API: removed deprecated methods; small cleanups
- LanguageTool can now make use of ngram data for advanced error detection: Finding errors using Big Data - LanguageTool Wiki
Please see http://www.languagetool.org/download/CHANGES.txt for a
complete list of changes.
SHA-256 checksums:
18fa219a674f449cb1925a16dfe6b8f94bfcc1cb678506ce100db361dccdd075 LanguageTool-2.7.oxt
a3ee3410242bd8c5bff6f5242b7983daa7f84a55ccac4c5b1332780688de7563 LanguageTool-2.7.zip