I am experiencing some challenges. I guess no one can do anything about these, but I would like to share them anyway.
There is no feedback whatsoever on the Dutch LT. So either I am doing a great job, or it is hardly used. But now I am in the dark. Am I working for anyone?
knowledge and experience in a programming environment has become necessary to be a full maintainer. Since I am not a real programmer, I cannot get done what I think is needed.
Disambiguation is extremely hard, and the language is very ambiguous. This makes it extremely hard to develop good rules (especially including postags).
So I guess I will stick to what is in LT for Dutch now, and wait for feedback from any user to try and create improve rules.
I will stabilize what is in the Dutch LT set this month, in preparation for the release. After that, I will concentrate on other things again.
Dutch has about 500 texts checked per day on languagetool.org and Online grammatica-, stijl- en spellingscontrole - LanguageTool, so it is indeed one of the lesser used languages for LT. But a lack of feedback affects the other languages, too. A partial solution is to rely on statistics to see how users use the website. If you’re interested, I can provide you access to the analytics tool.