English rules: "I am" and "am I"

Here is a simple rule for “I am” and “am I”

<rule id="I_AM" name="I am" >    
                    <token>I<exception scope="previous" postag_regexp="yes" postag="VBG|VBP" /></token>
                <token postag='VBG'></token>
            <message>Did you mean <suggestion>I am</suggestion>?</message>
            <example type="correct">I am looking into the problem.</example>
            <example type="incorrect">I looking into the problem.</example>

<rule id="AM_I" name="am I" >    
                    <token>am<exception scope="previous">I</exception></token>
                <token postag='VBG'></token>
            <message>Did you mean <suggestion>am I</suggestion>?</message>
            <example type="correct">Whom am I talking with</example>
            <example type="incorrect">Whom am talking with</example>

Both rules seem OK when tested on the LanguageTool Rule Editor.
Currently both rules only relate to “I” and “Am” before a VBG, however I expect with use I might identify other situations.

Thanks, I’ve added these rules.