i would like to export to a txt file the german dictionary with morphologic information
i am using Windows 10
So i hope someone has got a tip for me!
Andreas from Vienna, Austria
i would like to export to a txt file the german dictionary with morphologic information
i am using Windows 10
So i hope someone has got a tip for me!
Andreas from Vienna, Austria
There’s documentation for this at Deutsches Morphologie-Lexikon, it should still be up-to-date (for Linux, but should work on Windows in a similar way).
i know the website
but it is a Linux script …
i can not execute on windows
Please have a look inside the export.sh
script - it does nothing more than call a single Java command, which will also work under Windows.
Hi thanks!
That did it!
Rename export.sh to export.bat
java -cp C:/PathTo/languagetool.jar org.languagetool.tools.DictionaryExporter -i C:/PathTo/german.dict -info C:/PathTo/german.info -o dictonary dump
Did it!