at Spell check - LanguageTool Wiki
the info to generate a dict with freq info is not correct (anymore); command structure appears to have changed
The format that worked for me is:
java -cp languagetool.jar -i speller.txt -info org/languagetool/resource/nl/spelling/ -freq freqs.xml -o ./nl_NL.dict
Just took a look at the instructions, and I’m guessing that they are normalizing the parameter-layout of the various sub-programs. (which should make them easier to use as you’d only have to memorize one parameter-list, so IMHO a good thing)
What I mean is that the change (which may not be fully implemented one ) could have been too recent for the wiki to reflect it.
(the online tutorial of another project I once tried contained instructions that didn’t work either until a week after I had downloaded the project … turned out it had been accurate up to the previous major revision while the current one was only nine days old)