Is it possible to take the corrected text from the web form via java-script, for example, back to back into a database?

Is it possible to take the corrected text from the web form via java-script,
for example, back to back into a database?

Not sure if I get your question, but the web form is just an enhanced textarea, you should be able to access it like any other textarea.

By Copy/Paste yes, but not via script,

The result is shown in an iframe full of HTML elements, as an overlay over the textarea.

I could remove the HTML elements in the Iframe content
But perhaps there is an easier way?

Paste your own text here... or check check this text.
Rich Text Area

I see - from inside the editor we use this to get the plain text (not sure how to call it from outside):

var textContent = plugin.editor.core.getPlainText();

You can also have a look at the sources here:

this is working

var p = ("#checktext_ifr").contents().find("body p"); str = §.html();
var regex = /<br\s*[/]?>/gi;
(p).html(str.replace(regex,"\n")); var t = §.text();