LanguageTool for Desktop is using an excessive amount of battery/energy because I'm blocking analytics


nw_endpoint_flow_setup_channel [C2410.1.1.1 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en7, ipv4, dns)] failed to request add nexus flow

Nope, still high CPU and energy usage. It looks like you’ve decided to use DoH/DoT to bypass my pi-hole, except I also block DoH/DoT because of this EXACT reason. So, maybe the analytics have stopped being one of the issues, but a second issue is still causing the same issue?

CleanShot 2024-09-16 at 09.21.40

I’ve decided to cancel my sub in November after four years. I know ultimately nobody cares that I’ve decided to cancel, but this is too much.

Firefox Nightly 2024-09-16 09.22.16