Path of ngrams and word2vec

What paths do I need to set for ngrams and word2vec? Unpacked I see subdirectories.
How can I check the function?

If you are talking about the HTTP server I know if you run java -cp /path/to/languagetool-server.jar org.languagetool.server.HTTPServer --help

It shows options such as:

--config FILE  a Java property file (one key=value entry per line) with values for:
                 'languageModel' - a directory with '1grams', '2grams', '3grams' sub directories which contain a Lucene index
                                   each with ngram occurrence counts; activates the confusion rule if supported (optional)
                 'word2vecModel' - a directory with word2vec data (optional), see
  --languageModel  a directory with '1grams', '2grams', '3grams' sub directories (per language)
                         which contain a Lucene index (optional, overwrites 'languageModel'
                         parameter in properties files)
  --word2vecModel  a directory with word2vec data (optional), see

I hope this gives you some direction on how to set the paths. I’ve successfully set up ngram functionality using these flags. But, I haven’t tried out and word2vec functionality yet.