Spelling check only

All I want is to find spelling mistakes. I do not want suggestions or any grammar check. How can I do that?

On Mi 30.01.2013, 09:27:04 you wrote:

All I want is to find spelling mistakes. I do not want suggestions or any
grammar check. How can I do that?

You could turn off all rules in the options dialog, except the spell
checking rule.



Can you show how?

Also, how do I ignore unicode characters, trademark/copyright symbols?

See this screenshot:

lt-config.png (33.8 KB)

What do you want to ignore about trademark/copyright symbols? They should be ignored already. Do they cause error messages for you?

as well, how do I ignore case?

Sorry for not being clear. I meant through the API.

I have this

and I am wondering if there is a way to say do Spelling check ONLY.

On Do 31.01.2013, 14:09:30 you wrote:


and I am wondering if there is a way to say do Spelling check ONLY.

Yes, simple do not call langTool.activateDefaultPatternRules(). Also,
disable some remaining hard-coded rules with langTool.disableRule(), e.g.


To ignore case, you’ll have to write your own rule, e.g. based on HunspellRule.java.