Use a modern framework for embedded HTTP server discussion

Sounds reasonable to me, I’ll give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile:

It turns out that the “peak” situations are less bad, it was at least partially a problem with the measurement. Use I used curl with the https URL, but the time this command takes includes the HTTPS setup time. A simple workaround is to use curl url1 url2, with url1 and url2 being on the same server. This way, the SSL overhead will only occur once (i.e., one needs to ignore the time for the first URL).

Anyway, I still consider switching to a lightweight framework a goal.

I’m planning to compare the framework implementations using the http calls cause I don’t think that https support can be the bottleneck.
Now I’m finishing my JMeter test plan and go then to compare SpringBoot and SparkJava (reactive approach mentioned by @arysin is in development) performance on the http load, but the test plan could be easily enhanced to support both http and https.
To simplify and clarify the tests I use default server configs and the LT calls are unauthorized. Is it Ok to load-test with these simplifications or you’d suggest some specific config settings?

I think it’s okay for now. How large is the input? This has a large influence on response time. I think the input length should be random, with a distribution we can find out from our log files.

I think that it’s convenient to take the input from the input file or set of files – that’s the easiest way to control the input size and other params.

BTW, didn’t you plan to replace maven by gradle? The latter is more human-readable etc…

Yes, but I got stuck because of the complexity (LibreOffice add-on, stand-alone, command-line, …). If you want to work on that, might be a nice part of a GSoC project.

I see the maven-site-plugin in plugins list, is it used somewhere in the project? Can’t find any reference neither in utility .sh scripts nor in the documentation.

Where exactly do you see it? I don’t see it, I don’t think it’s being used.


Maybe this is the how Intellij Idea displays every maven project – I’m more familiar with gradle than with maven.

Anyway my question is solved :slight_smile:

Got a couple of exams this week, so was AFK :\

Finally, I’ve compared the SparkJava and SpringBoot implementations running the same default LT settings, <min: 25, max: 200> threads, with unlimited requests queue size.

The test data was the blog posts of 10-15 years old bloggers taken from that corpus – one post per request.

The load test was running for 15 minutes per thread. The number of threads (users) was growing from 1 to 100 during the first 10 minutes. The number of requests per user was not limited – they were querying until the test time expires.

On the OOM error caused by the queue overfull the response BAD_REQUEST was sent.

During the test both frameworks were using the same amount of memory (looks like the default Xmx512m),
the CPU load was ~99%. The testing machine was Amazon t2.micro running RHEL 7.


Framework Errors Throughput
SparkJava 23.14 % 18.6 req/min
SpringBoot 14.45 % 32.3 req/min
None (LT 4.0) 36.34 % 25.4 req/min

So the SpringBoot implementation is more efficient and the next step is to compare the Spring Boot and Spring WebFlux (the reactive Spring), I think.

Implementation info

Below is shown the difference between SparkJava and SpringBoot implementations (the logic was moved to the framework independent LanguageToolApiService (When using Spring, I was injecting the service as the singleton, but that’s the only difference), the main() entry-points are almost the same).

Both implementations are looking high-level enough to be easy to read and support.
The links to complete versions SparkJava, SpringBoot (were written as fast as possible, so some hardcode and hacks were made to make these implementations provide the default LT server experience. The LT-server works fine, but I don’t guarantee that other server-dependent parts are OK – I’ve commented most of the server-related things in GUI for example).


public interface LanguageToolApiController {
    @GetMapping(path = "/languages")
    ResponseEntity<List<LanguageDTO>> languages();

    @PostMapping(path = "/check", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE)
    ResponseEntity<CheckResultDTO> check(
            @RequestParam("text") String text,
            @RequestParam("language") String language,
            @RequestParam("motherTongue") String motherTongue,
            @RequestParam("preferredVariants") String preferredVariants,
            @RequestParam("enabledRules") String enabledRules,
            @RequestParam("disabledRules") String disabledRules,
            @RequestParam("enabledCategories") String enabledCategories,
            @RequestParam("disabledCategories") String disabledCategories,
            @RequestParam("enabledOnly") boolean enabledOnly

public class LanguageToolApiControllerImpl implements LanguageToolApiController {

    private final LanguageToolApiService languageToolApiService;

    public LanguageToolApiControllerImpl(LanguageToolApiService languageToolApiService) {
        this.languageToolApiService = languageToolApiService;

    public ResponseEntity<List<LanguageDTO>> languages() {"GET /languages request");
        ResponseEntity<List<LanguageDTO>> response;
        try {
            List<LanguageDTO> languages = languageToolApiService.languages();
            response = new ResponseEntity<>(languages, HttpStatus.OK);
        } catch (Error e) {
            log.error("Error!", e);
            response = new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
        }"GET /languages response: '{}'", response);
        return response;

    public ResponseEntity<CheckResultDTO> check(String text, String language, String motherTongue, String preferredVariants,
                                                String enabledRules, String disabledRules, String enabledCategories,
                                                String disabledCategories, boolean enabledOnly) {"POST /check request: " +
                        "text='{}', " +
                        "language='{}', " +
                        "motherTongue='{}', " +
                        "preferredVariants='{}', " +
                        "enabledRules='{}', " +
                        "disabledRules='{}', " +
                        "enabledCategories='{}', " +
                        "disabledCategories='{}', " +
        ResponseEntity<CheckResultDTO> response;
        try {
            CheckResultDTO checkResultDTO = languageToolApiService.check(text, language, motherTongue, preferredVariants, enabledRules,
                    disabledRules, enabledCategories, disabledCategories, enabledOnly);

            response = new ResponseEntity<>(checkResultDTO, HttpStatus.OK);
        catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Error!", e);
            response = new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
        }"POST /check request: " +
                        "text='{}', " +
                        "language='{}', " +
                        "motherTongue='{}', " +
                        "preferredVariants='{}', " +
                        "enabledRules='{}', " +
                        "disabledRules='{}', " +
                        "enabledCategories='{}', " +
                        "disabledCategories='{}', " +
                        "enabledOnly='{}', " +
        return response;


public class LanguageToolApiController {

    private final ObjectMapper mapper;
    private final LanguageToolApiService languageToolApiService;

    public LanguageToolApiController() {"BEFORE init()");
        mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        languageToolApiService = new LanguageToolApiServiceImpl();
        threadPool(200, 25, 60000);
        setUpEndPoints();"AFTER init()");

    private void setUpEndPoints() {
        get("/languages", (request, response) -> {

  "GET /languages request");

            String responseString;
            int responseStatus;
            try {
                List<LanguageDTO> languages = languageToolApiService.languages();
                responseString = mapper.writeValueAsString(languages);
                responseStatus = HttpStatus.OK_200;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error!", e);
                responseString = "";
                responseStatus = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST_400;

  "GET /languages response='[body='{}', status='{}']'", responseString, response.status());

            return responseString;

        post("/check", (request, response) -> {
            String text = request.queryParams("text");
            String language = request.queryParams("language");
            String motherTongue = request.queryParams("motherTongue");
            String preferredVariants = request.queryParams("preferredVariants");
            String enabledRules = request.queryParams("enabledRules");
            String disabledRules = request.queryParams("disabledRules");
            String enabledCategories = request.queryParams("enabledCategories");
            String disabledCategories = request.queryParams("disabledCategories");
            boolean enabledOnly = Boolean.parseBoolean(request.queryParams("enabledOnly"));

  "POST /check request: " +
                            "text='{}', " +
                            "language='{}', " +
                            "motherTongue='{}', " +
                            "preferredVariants='{}', " +
                            "enabledRules='{}', " +
                            "disabledRules='{}', " +
                            "enabledCategories='{}', " +
                            "disabledCategories='{}', " +

            String responseString;
            int responseStatus;
            try {
                CheckResultDTO checkResultDTO = languageToolApiService.check(text, language, motherTongue, preferredVariants, enabledRules,
                        disabledRules, enabledCategories, disabledCategories, enabledOnly);
                responseString = mapper.writeValueAsString(checkResultDTO);
                responseStatus = HttpStatus.OK_200;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error!", e);
                responseString = "";
                responseStatus = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST_400;


  "POST /check request: " +
                            "text='{}', " +
                            "language='{}', " +
                            "motherTongue='{}', " +
                            "preferredVariants='{}', " +
                            "enabledRules='{}', " +
                            "disabledRules='{}', " +
                            "enabledCategories='{}', " +
                            "disabledCategories='{}', " +
                            "enabledOnly='{}', " +
                            "response='[body='{}', status='{}']'",

            return responseString;

Feedback is welcome.

Thanks for running the test. It would be interesting to see how the current low-level implementation compares to both.

Here it is: Errors: 36.34%, Throughput 25.4 req/min. Updated the report above with that information.
The results:

Framework Errors Throughput
SparkJava 23.14 % 18.6 req/min
SpringBoot 14.45 % 32.3 req/min
None (LT 4.0) 36.34 % 25.4 req/min

Here is a draft of my proposal. Could you take a look?

Thanks, looks mostly good. Suggestions / comments:

  • SSL support: We use the reverse proxy approach you suggest on However, we don’t know whether people rely on the SSL feature. So I’m hesitant to remove it.
  • I suggest changing the order of tasks: 1) spelling suggestions 2) HTTP server 3) Gradle - this way we focus on issues that improve LT from the user’s point of view.
  • base line for suggestions: the first base line should be the current approach that doesn’t use ML at all.

@jaumeortola, @Yakov any comment from your side?

How is Gradle better than Maven?
What is the advantage of switching to a new build environment?

Gradle offers less excessive syntax which is more human-readable (5-lines-of-xml-per-dependency in maven are an overkill to me) and has good native support of unit-testing (so the surefire plugin is not needed anymore). Gradle is also faster than Maven – that’s a good thing especially when running tests.
Since the build logic of the LT is not super complex, the gradle’s known flexibility is not the key feature now, but it could be useful in future anyway.
Finally, I’ve just asked whether it’s a good idea to migrate and received the positive answer.

Should I add that info to my proposal?

Updated the proposal with these suggestions, reorganized the timeline the way providing more time to accomplish the tasks.

Speed up the execution of tests will help us to execute the process of LT development faster.

Just pointing out that the execution of tests time won’t change cause that’s jvm who executes tests, and the jvm stays the same. The performance improvement is achieved mostly on the build and composition stages – that’s why the overall unit-testing time reduces.