Collocation error apply to assistance|welfare|funds|membership You can apply to a company or university, but you apply for \4. Revise: \1 for \4. You can apply to welfare. You can apply to the job online. apply to more work|welfare|funds|help|assistance You can apply to a company or university, but you apply for more \4. Revise: \1 for \3 \4. You can apply to more assistance. apply for company|university|college|school You can apply for a job or welfare, but you apply to a \4. Revise: \1 to \3 \4. You try and apply for another University ! sit|eat|work in desk The usual preposition for activities with a desk is "at." Try this: \1 \2 at \4 \5. At lunch, I eat with my colleague working or I eat in my desk alone. between to Use "between" + "and" not "to." Try this: \1 \2 and \4. Children between three to five are cute. do|be well|badly in exams|tests|examinations Use "\2 on" with "\4". Try this: \1 \2 on \4. I do badly in tests for I'm lazy. good in world geography class Use "good at" to mean "skilled" with school subjects. Try this: \1 at \3 \4. I'm good in world geography. good in social studies class Use "good at" to mean "skilled" with school subjects. Try this: \1 at \3 \4. I'm good in social studies. good in physical education class Use "good at" to mean "skilled" with school subjects. Try this: \1 at \3 \4. I'm good in physical education good in language arts class Use "good at" to mean "skilled" with school subjects. Try this: \1 at \3 \4. I'm good in language arts good in home economics class Use "good at" to mean "skilled" with school subjects. Try this: \1 at \3 \4. I'm good in home economics good in computer science class Use "good at" to mean "skilled" with school subjects. Try this: \1 at \3 \4. I'm good in computer science good in algebra|archaeology|art|band|biology|botany|calculus|chemistry|drama|economics|English|French|geography|geology|geometry|German|gym|health|history|keyboarding|languages|literature|math|mathematics|music|PE|physics|psychology|reading|science|writing class Use "good at" to mean "skilled" with school subjects. Try this: \1 at \3. I'm good in math. I was good in running errands. summon at a|an|the moment|time The usual collocation is "summon to" a place, or "summon at" a time/moment. Use "to" instead: \1 to \3 \4. Without him knowing, Quentin was summoned at a very particular examination in order to get his admission to this institution. summon at a|an|the moment|time The usual collocation is "summon to" a place, or "summon at" a time/moment. Use "to" instead: \1 to \3 \4 \5. Without him knowing, Quentin was summoned at a very particular examination in order to get his admission to this institution. summon at a|an|the very|really moment|time The usual collocation is "summon to" a place, or "summon at" a time/moment. Use "to" instead: \1 to \3 \4 \5 \6. Without him knowing, Quentin was summoned at a very particular examination in order to get his admission to this institution. admitted at [A-Z\u00C0-\u017F]+ University|College|Hospital|Clinic The usual collocation for "admit" is "to"," not "at." It is better to say this: \1 to \3 \4. On his way to an interview to be admitted at Princeton College, Quentin and his childhood best friend James arrive on a crime scene where they find the corpse of the man who was supposed to interview the former, along with a very nonchalant paramedic. in the internet|website|computer|TV|television The usual collocation for technology is "on," not "in." It is better to say this: on the \3. Land reclamation is always accompany with pollution. in the web The usual collocation for technology is "on," not "in." It is better to say this: on the \3 Obviously, this collocation does not apply to spiders' webs. Land reclamation is always accompany with pollution. accompany with The usual collocation for "accompany" is "by," not "with." It is better to say this: \1 by. Land reclamation is always accompany with pollution. popular among The usual collocation for "popular" is "with," not "among." It is better to say this: popular with. John's popular among his friends. play with team Use "for" with "play." You probably meant this: \1 for. He plays regularly with that team. opposite from Use "to" with "opposite." You probably meant this: \1 to \3. Their house is opposite from ours. marry with Use "to" with "marry." You probably meant this: \1 to. Angela was married with a rich man. prefer over Use "to" with "prefer." You probably meant this: \1 \2 to \4. she much prefers overalls over skirts, because she enjoys playing in the mud talk at Talking at someone means they aren't listening. You probably meant this: \1 to \3 or \1 with \3. I was talking at Charles about stress out for everything The usual preposition in this context is "over" or "about." Revise: \1 \2 over \4 or \1 \2 about \4. I have to stop stressing out for everything. tired of the last night The usual preposition in this context is "from." Revise: tired from last night. I am always tired of the last night repercussion with The usual preposition for "repercussion" is "on" not "with". Revise: \1 on. I suppose what makes me unusual is the fact that I can put on make up without looking at a mirror. look at a mirror The usual preposition for "mirror" is "in" not "at". Revise: \1 in a mirror. I suppose what makes me unusual is the fact that I can put on make up without looking at a mirror. passionate|passionated by The usual preposition for "passionate" is "about" not "by". Revise: passionate about \3. I am very passionated by my job. in the outside The usual preposition for "outside" is "on" not "in". Revise: on the outside. There are white windows in the outside of the house. in island The usual preposition for "island" is "on" not "in". Revise: on an island. Our house is located in a small island surrounded by ices. There are no other houses around us. drive|make me|you|him|her|us|them crazy on drug|medicine|narcotic|hallucinogen The usual preposition for "crazy" is "with" not "on". Revise: crazy with. What makes me crazy on this dwelling is that some time we are higher than the clouds. hide of The usual preposition for "\1" is "from" not "\2". Revise: \1 from. This is very useful to hide of prying tourists. be concentrating|concentrated on The usual preposition for "concentrate" is "on" not "\3". Revise: \2 on \4 \5. I know my life, it's not very interest because I am concentrated with my studies. big difference about the and the The usual preposition for "difference" is "between" not "about". Revise: a big difference between \5 \6 \7 \8 . There is not big difference about the week and the weekend to me important with a|an|all|many|some|multiple|most The usual preposition for "\1" is "to" not "with". Revise: \1 to \3. Family who is closest and important with you. consist to The usual preposition for "\1" is "of" not "to". Revise: \1 of. There is a program in medicine and this program consists to diagnostic people to know if their body works well. in birthday suit|suits The usual preposition for "birthdays" is "on". Revise: on \2 \3. My favorite thing is bag, I love my bag very much because it is a gift from my girl friend in my birthday, it is a red bag, I have kept it for 2 years and forever. participate to The usual preposition for "\1" is "in" not "to". Revise: \1 in. They participate to many activities, which contains organize laboratory experiments, supervise students research, conducting many lectures and of course, writing textbooks. be on meeting The usual preposition for "\4 \5" is "in" not "on". Revise: \1 \2 in a meeting. I was on a meeting. at the morning|afternoon The usual preposition for "\3" is "in" not "at". Revise: in the \3. I hardly ever drinks coffee at the morning because this make me crazy. passionate by The usual preposition for "passionate" is "about" not "by". Revise: \1 passionate about or \1 inspired by. I'm really passionate by the chocolate, it's my vocation. the person|guy|chap|one need in team The usual preposition for "team" is "on" not "in". Revise: on \6 \7. I’m the one Frank Catania need in his team. addiction of drugs The usual preposition for \1 is "to." Did you mean, \1 to \3? I would like to work with people who have an addiction of drugs. is|was the person on charge of|to The usual preposition for \5 is "in." Did you mean, \2 \3 in charge of? Julie is the person on charge to the security. for the winter|spring|summer|fall vacation|holiday|holidays The usual preposition for \4 is "during." Did you mean, during the \3 \4? I work only for the summer holidays. when be in vacation|holiday The usual preposition for \5 is "on." Did you mean, \1 \2 \3 on \5? I work only for the summer holidays. in a party Unless you mean "in a political party," the usual preposition for a party is "at." Did you mean, at a party? Later, I started working as a Research Assistant in university projects again. started work|working as a in projects The usual preposition for "\3...projects" is "on". Did you mean, \3 as a \6 \7 on \9 projects? Later, I started working as a Research Assistant in university projects again. good in The usual preposition for this expression is "at". Did you mean, \1 at \3? Don't you ever talk down about my baby boy or Kristy. suffer of The usual preposition for this expression is "from" or "with." Did you mean \1 from or \1 with? talk down about The usual preposition for this expression is "to". Did you mean, \1 down to? Don't you ever talk down about my baby boy or Kristy. wear in foot The usual preposition for feet is "on". Did you mean, on \5 \6? Collocation error He is wearing a crocs in my feet. at the morning|afternoon|evening The usual collocation for "\3" is "in". Revise: in the \3. I like to do soccer on the weekend. get a|the job|position in the [A-Z][A-Z]+ The usual preposition for "\1 \2 \3" is "with" for an organization. Revise: with \4 \5. The text is also a very important things for the people who want to get a job in the SPVM. go|do ball|soccer|chess|tennis|golf|hockey|videogames|cards|football|basketball The usual collocation for an activity that does not end in "-ing" and is something you can win is "play" not "do" or "go." Revise: play \2. I like to do soccer on the weekend. go|play art|ballet|exercise|judo|karate|puzzles|taekwondo|weightlifting|yoga The usual collocation for an activity that does not end in "-ing" and is not something you can win is "do" not "go" or "play." Revise: do \2. My sister plays ballet at the community center. be done do|play training|marketing|lapping|engineering|nursing The usual collocation for an activity ending in "-ing" is "go" not "do" or "play." Revise: go \2. damage of The usual collocation for word "damage" is "to" not "of." Revise: \1 to. damage of wildlife less|more|of interest|interests|interested about The usual collocation for word "interest" is "in" not "about." Revise: \2 in. They are more interest about the money, like how it's manage. vulnerable from The usual collocation for word "vulnerable" is "to" not "from," as in "vulnerable to attack." Revise: vulnerable to. We do want to differ from other solutions where you must redirect all your domain names to a service provider, leaving your server vulnerable from direct attacks and having you hassle with domain records all the time. imitate of imitate from The usual collocation for word "imitate" is "of" not "from," as in "imitate the style of someone." Revise: \1 \2 \3 of \6 \7. Children imitate every habit, and behavior from their parents. offered in college|university|school The usual preposition for "offered" and "\3" is "at" not "in." Revise: offered at \3. perspectives about The usual preposition for "perspectives" is "on" not "about." Revise: perspectives on. varieties in The usual preposition for "varieties" is "of" not "in." Revise: varieties of. cover by snow|leaves|dust The usual verb for "leave is "for" not "to." Revise: leaving for \3. leave to [A-Z][a-z]+ next|tomorrow|soon The usual verb for "leave is "for" not "to." Revise: leaving for \3. do a meeting The usual verb for "a meeting" is "have" not "do." Revise: have a meeting. does a meeting The usual verb for "a meeting" is "have" not "do." Revise: has a meeting. did a meeting The usual verb for "a meeting" is "have" not "do." Revise: had a meeting. growled|spat|punched to The usual preposition for "\1" is "at." Revise: \1 at \3. during the weekend|weekends of The usual preposition for "the weekend" is "on." Revise: on the weekend for American English, or at the weekend for British English. during the week end of The usual preposition for "the weekend" is "on." Revise: on the weekend for American English, or at the weekend for British English. during weekends of The usual preposition for "the weekend" is "on." Revise: on weekends for American English, or at weekends for British English. during the weekends of The usual preposition for "the weekend" is "on." Revise: on the weekend for American English, or at the weekend for British English. far of The usual preposition for "far" is "from." Revise: far from. near from The usual preposition for "near" is "to." Revise: near to. blind for the instant|moment|time The usual preposition for "blind" is "from" when followed by the cause of the blindness. Revise: \1 from \3 \4. yell on him|her|us|me|them The usual preposition for "yell" is "at." Revise: \1 at \3. blind for the instant|moment|time The usual preposition for "blind" is "from" when followed by the cause of the blindness. Revise: \1 from \3 \4. take into consideration of You have fused two expressions into one, "in consideration of" and "taking into consideration." Remove the word "of" from the end: \1 \2 \3. in the|a perspective The usual preposition for "perspective" is "from" not "in." from \2 \3 \4. sit on the court The usual way to express a judge's association with a courtroom is with the phrase \1 on the bench. follow courses|course The usual verb for "courses" in a school is "take" or "attend" not "follow." Try it like this: take \2 courses. on the afternoon|evening of|that|program|train|bus|coach|cruise The usual preposition for "\3" is 'in' not "on". Try it like this: in \2 \3. arrival to the house|apartment|penthouse|boat The usual preposition for "\3 \4" is "in" not "to." Try it like this: \1 \2 in the. arrival to the house|apartment|penthouse The usual preposition for "\3 \4" is "at" not "to." Try it like this: \1 \2 in the. accuse the for The usual preposition for accusations is "of" not "for." Try it like this: \1 the \3 of \5 . She accused the man for stealing. in the men|women|school '|‘|’|` s team The usual preposition for team membership is "on" not "in". Try it like this: on \2 \3's \6. in the men|women|school '|‘|’|` s team The usual preposition for team membership is "on" not "in". Try it like this: on \2 \3's \6 \7. in the men|women|school '|‘|’|` s ball team The usual preposition for team membership is "on" not "in". Try it like this: on \2 \3's \6 \7 \8. be|go in a secret mission The usual preposition for mode of transportation is "by" not "in". Try it like this: \1 by \3. come|go in car|bus|train|taxi|metro|subway The usual preposition for mode of transportation is "by" not "in". Try it like this: \1 by \3. come|go to in car|bus|train|taxi|metro|subway The usual preposition for mode of transportation is "by" not "in". Try it like this: \1 \2 \3 by \5. laugh of The usual preposition for "laugh" is "at". Did you mean \1 at? The people are fed up of so many elections. bring at The usual preposition for "bring" is "to". Did you mean \1 \2 to? The people are fed up of so many elections. on|at fact The usual preposition for "fact" is "in". Did you mean In fact? The people are fed up of so many elections. bring|brought to the agenda The usual verb + preposition for "agenda" is "put on". Did you mean put on the agenda? The people are fed up of so many elections. in front of The usual preposition for "in front" is "of". Did you mean in front of? The people are fed up of so many elections. a trip|journey in [A-Z][a-z]+ [A-Z][a-z]+ The usual preposition for "a \2" with a named destination is "to". Did you mean a trip to \4 \5? John and Jenny week decided to go on a trip in New York. departure of New York|Zealand|Hampshire|England|South|Brunswick resident|citizen|native The usual preposition for "departure" with a destination name is "from". Did you mean departure from New \4? The stay is finally ended and they prepared their departure of New York. a trip|journey in [A-Z][a-z]+ [A-Z][a-z]+ The usual preposition for "a \2" with a named destination is "to". Did you mean a trip to \4? John and Jenny week decided to go on a trip in York. a trip|journey in New-York|New-England The usual preposition for "a \2" with a named destination is "to". Did you mean a trip to \4? John and Jenny week decided to go on a trip in York. live in planet|asteroid|moon The usual preposition for \4 is "on". Did you mean \1 on \3 \4? The people are fed up of so many elections. countless of course Do not use "of" after "\1". Did you mean \1 \3? The people are fed up of so many elections. fed up of The usual preposition for "\1 \2" is "with". Did you mean \1 \2 with? The people are fed up of so many elections. listen to movies|films The usual verb for "\3" is "watch". Did you mean watch movies? During my free time, I like listen to movies in cinema with my boyfriend and my friends. listen to movie|film|series The usual verb for "\3" is "watch". Did you mean watch a \3? During my free time, I like listen to movies in cinema with my boyfriend and my friends. listen to a movie|film|series The usual verb for "\4" is "watch". Did you mean watch a \4? During my free time, I like listen to movies in cinema with my boyfriend and my friends. listen to animated|anime|action movie|film|series The usual verb for "\3" is "watch". Did you mean watch an \3 movie? During the week, I listen action movie in English because I want to improve myself with my sister. listen movies|films|series The usual verb for "\3" is "watch". Did you mean watch a \2? During the week, I listen series or action movie in English because I want to improve myself with my sister. I went|go to a trip The usual collocation for "\2" and "a trip" is "\2 on a trip". Did you mean \2 on a trip? Yes, I went to a trip. in trip|trips , The usual collocation for "\2 \3" is "on \2 trips" or "during \2 travels". Did you mean \2 on a trip? Yes, I went to a trip. thinking in finish|finishing The usual collocations for "thinking" are "thinking about" or "thinking of". Did you mean \1 about finishing \4 or \1 of finishing \4? I'm thinking in finish this text. responsible|responsable of The usual collocations for "responsible" is "responsible for". Did you mean \1 for or in charge of? I am responsable of marketing. wait after The usual collocations for "\1" is "\1 on," meaning act as an attendant to someone, or "\1 for" meaning to remain patiently inactive. Did you mean \1 for \3? be on a hospital bed The usual preposition with "\6" is "in". Did you mean in a hospital bed? live from '|‘|’|` s money The usual preposition with "\8" is "off". Did you mean \1 off \3 \4's \7? anxious of|for The usual preposition with "\1" is "about". Did you mean anxious about? be on shock The usual preposition with "\3" is "in". Did you mean in shock? enter in space|book|file There isn't usually a preposition after "\1". Did you mean \1 \3 \4? go to home base There isn't usually a preposition before "\3". Did you mean \1 \3? came in the living|livingroom|kitchen|bedroom|dining The usual proposition after "\2" is "into" not "\3". The sentence "\1 \2 \3 \4 \5 \6" is a colloquial expression for "\1 had an orgasm in the \5 \6". Did you mean \1 \2 into \4 \5 \6, meaning "\1 arrived"? arrive on the beach The usual proposition after "\1" is "at" not "\2". Did you mean \1 at \3 \4 \5? return at home You do not need a preposition between "\1" and "\3". Did you mean \1 \3? be in pressure The usual collocation for "\3" is "under" not "\2". Did you mean under pressure? Absorb at The usual collocation for "\1" is "in" not "\2". Did you mean \1 in? Accuse for The usual collocation for "\1" is "of" not "\2". Did you mean \1 of? in charge for monment|time The usual collocation for "in charge" is "of" not "for". Did you mean in charge of? in charge for products|services The usual collocation for "\2" is "with" not "\3". Did you mean \2 with? ashamed from The usual collocation for "\1" is "of" not "\2". Did you mean \1 of? Arrive at the village|town|city|country|state|province|country The usual collocation for "\1" is "in" not "\2". Use "in" for geographical regions and "at" for a specific point. For a town, province, state, country or continent, use "in". For a restaurant, business, park or car, use "at". Did you mean \1 in or \1 at? Angry with the weather|situation Use "angry with" for people. Use "angry about" for situations or weather. Did you mean \1 about the \4? accustom with The usual collocation for "\1" is "to" not "\2". Did you mean \1 to? afraid from The usual collocation for "\1" is "of" not "\2". Did you mean \1 of? angry against The usual collocation for "\1" is "with" or "at" not "\2". Did you mean \1 with or \1 at? aim on The usual collocation for "\1" is "at" not "\2". Did you mean \1 at? believe to The usual collocation for "\1" is "in" not "\2". Did you mean \1 in? boast for The usual collocation for "\1" is "of" or "about" not "\2". Did you mean \1 of or \1 about? careful for The usual collocation for "\1" is "with" not "\2". Did you mean \1 with? travel with train|bus|car|plane|jet|motorcycle|moto The usual collocation for "\1" is "by" not "\2". Did you mean \1 by \4? complain for The usual collocation for "\1" is "about" not "\2". Did you mean \1 about? compose from The usual collocation for "\1" is "of" not "\2". Did you mean \1 of? cure from The usual collocation for "\1" is "of" not "\2". Did you mean \1 of? cure from The usual collocation for "\1" is "of" not "\3". Did you mean \1 \2 of? deprive from The usual collocation for "\1" is "of" not "\2". Did you mean \1 of? deprive from The usual collocation for "\1" is "of" not "\3". Did you mean \1 \2 of? die from The usual collocation for "\1" is "of" not "\2". Did you mean \1 of? disappoint from The usual collocation for "\1" is "with" or "in" or "by" or "at" or "about" not "\2". Did you mean \1 with or \1 in or \1 by or \1 at or \1 about? divide in accordance The usual collocation for "\1" is "into" not "\4". Did you mean \1 \2 \3 into? doubt for example|exemple The usual collocation for "\1" is "in" or "about" not "\4". Did you mean \1 in or \1 about? exception to rules? with the exception of The usual collocation for "\3" in this context is "to" not "\4". Did you mean \3 to? exception to rules? Did you mean \1 to? Graphite is an exception of the rule. Exceptions regarding these general rules are in Table 3. Graphite is an exception to the rule. Graphite and graphene are exceptions to these general rules. ... but we make an exception for the people who cannot... We make exceptions under some circumstances. make an exception to The usual collocation for "\3" in this context is "for" not "\4". Did you mean \3 to? dress with The usual collocation for "\2" is "in" not "\3". Did you mean \1 \2 in? full with The usual collocation for "\1" is "of" not "\2". Did you mean \1 of? rid from The usual collocation for "\1" is "of" not "\2". Did you mean \1 of? glad with|from The usual collocation for "\1" is "about" not "\2". Did you mean \1 about? guard from The usual collocation for "\1" is "against" not "\2". Did you mean \1 against? guilty for some The usual collocation for "\1" is "of" not "\2". Did you mean \1 of? independent|independently from now The usual collocation for "\1" is "of" not "\2". Did you mean \1 of? insist to The usual collocation for "\1" is "on" not "\2". Did you mean \1 on ? interest|interested|interests for The usual collocation for "\1" is "in" not "\2". Did you mean \1 in? jealous from The usual collocation for "\1" is "of" not "\2". Did you mean \1 of? take|took|taking photo with The usual collocation for "\2" is "of" not "\3". Did you mean \2 of \4 \5? in this|that moment The usual collocation for "\2 \3" is "at" not "\1". Did you mean At \2 \3? tired about The usual collocation for "\1" is "of" or "from" not "\2". Did you mean tired of or tired from? to do|make a party In English, the normal collocation for "party" is "have" or "throw". Revise your sentence: to throw a party or to have a party. love|like doing|making the|a party In English, the normal collocation for "party" is "have" or "throw". Revise your sentence: throwing a party or \1 partying. advertisement of The usual collocation for "\1" is "for" not "\2". Did you mean advertisement for? stop me|you|him|her|it|us|them of course The usual collocation for "\1 \2" is "from" not "of". Did you mean stop \2 from \4? in album The usual collocation for "\3" is "on" not "in" when album refers to a collection of recorded music. If by "album" you mean a collection of photos, "in an album" is correct. Did you mean on \2 \3? cure against The usual collocation for "\1" is "for" not "against". Did you mean cure for? to found a cure The verb "to found" means "to establish," but "to find" means "to discover." Did you mean to find a cure? realize desire on the plane|train|bus|TV|television|way|trip The usual collocation for "\3" is "for" not "\4". Did you mean \3 for \5 \6? Even though some businessmen prefer unusual approaches to boost up their business identification, they get interested to identify the best approach to realize their desires on the business development. return in|at the The usual collocation for "\1" is "to" not "\2" with. Did you mean \1 to ? Collocation error return in|at [0-9].*|January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December|night The usual collocation for "\1" is "to" not "\2" with. Did you mean \1 to \3? bring in|at The usual collocation for "\1" is "to" not "\3" with. Did you mean \1 \2 to \4 \5? curator on the The usual collocation for "curator" is "of" not "\2". Did you mean \1 of \3 \4? closer|near from The usual collocation for "\1" is "to" not "from". Did you mean simply \1 to or further from? neither|either|that|all|much My|Your|Our|His|Her|Their A determiner cannot combine with a possessive pronoun. Did you mean simply \2 \3 or \1 \3? enrolled The usual collocation for "\2" is "in" (a school) or "for" (a course). Did you mean \1 \2 in... or \1 \2 for...? step to do The usual collocation for "\1" is "take". Did you mean \1 \2 take? go to vacation|holiday The usual collocation for "\3" is "on." Did you mean \1 on \3? step to do The usual collocation for "\1" is "take." Did you mean \1 \2 take? in Facebook|Twitter|Pinterest|Wikipedia|Amazon|LinkedIn|Yahoo|Blogger The usual collocation for "\2" is "on". Did you mean on \2? write in page|pages|blog|blogs|webpage|webpages|wall|walls The usual collocation for "\1" is "on". Did you mean \1 on \3 \4? write in own page|pages|blog|blogs|webpage|webpages|wall|walls The usual collocation for "\1" is "on". Did you mean \1 on \3 \4 \5? write on in own page|pages|blog|blogs|webpage|webpages|wall|walls The usual collocation for "\1" is "on". Did you mean \1 ... on \4 \5 \6? write on on in own page|pages|blog|blogs|webpage|webpages|wall|walls The usual collocation for "\1" is "on". Did you mean \1 ... on \5 \6 \7? come to plane|train|bus|car|metro|subway|airplane|bike|motorcycle The usual collocation for "\2" is "by." Did you mean \1 \2 by \4? diversity|diversitie You are missing the word "of" between "\2" and "\3". Did you mean \2 of \3 or diverse \3? company|person|guy|man|firm that|which|who work be You are missing the word 'for' between "\5" and '\6'. Did you mean \1 \2 that \4 \5 for \6? wait You are missing the word 'for' between "\1" and "\1 \2". Did you mean \1 for \2 \3? wait You are missing the word "to" before the infinitive form "\4". Did you mean \2 \3 to \4? traveled|travelled hours|hour|days|day|weeks|week|months|month|years|year|sessions|session|semester|semesters|term|terms|course|courses You are missing the word "for" between "\2" and "\3". Did you mean \1 traveled for \3 \4? disrespectful|respectful against The usual collocation for "\1" is 'toward' but never 'toward'. Did you mean \1 toward? disappointed of The usual collocation for 'disappointed' is 'with', 'at', of 'by, but never "of". Did you mean \1 with \3? that|which account a|an You seem to be missing a word. Usually the verb "account" is followed by "for". Did you mean \1 \2 for \3 \4? contribution on time The usual preposition for "contribution" is "to". Did you mean \1 to \3? arrive in the downtown . Did you mean simply \1 \4? You do not need the word 'in' here. discuss|consider|mention about Did you mean simply \1 \3? You do not need the word "about" here. associate|associates|associated to Did you mean \1 \2 \3 with? The usual preposition for the word 'associate' is 'with' not 'to'. Extra preposition named it as Did you mean simply named it \4? You do not need the word 'as' here. Extra preposition A lot of people were late. A lot people were late. interest|interested by In English, people don't say "\1 by'. They say, "\1 in'. Did you mean \1 in? It is sure that my English will improve. at the job In English, people don't say "\1 \2 \3". They say, 'on \2 \3' or 'at work'. Did you mean on the job or at work? It is sure that my English will improve. analysis about In English, people don't say 'analysis about'. They say, 'analysis of'. Did you mean analysis of? It is sure that my English will improve. it is sure In English, people don't say 'it is sure'. They say, 'it is certain that'. Did you mean it is certain? It is sure that my English will improve. spend it for The usual prepositions that follow 'spend it' are either "on" or 'in'. Did you mean spend it on? I spend it for my essence (fuel). By|par example|exemple The best translation for the introductory phrase "par exemple" is 'for example'. Did you mean For example? By example, poor spelling makes pattern matching more difficult. made me a gesture of greeting This is awkward. Did you mean waved at me? Translation error I'm not what we call perfectly bilingual. m|am|is|are not what we call This is awkward. Did you mean \2 \3 you would call? I'm not what we call perfectly bilingual. give consequences|consequence of|for The usual prepositions to use after "\2" is "of" or 'for' not "\3". For example, 'Think about the consequence of inflation for the economy.' Did you mean of or for? The new labour laws will have consequenceson employees. ask to all This is a collocation error. You do not need a preposition after "\1'. Remove it: \1 \3 \4 \5. The new labour laws will have consequenceson employees. shoot at the living|livingroom|kitchen|bedroom|dining This is a collocation error. Use "in" for rooms. Revise: \1 in \3 \4 \5. The new labour laws will have consequenceson employees. invoice of The usual prepositions to use after "\1 \2" is "for" not "of". Did you mean \1 \2 for \4? The new labour laws will have consequenceson employees. in exchange of The usual prepositions to use after "\1 \2" is "for" not "of". Did you mean \1 \2 for \4? The new labour laws will have consequenceson employees. filled|fill|fills|filling of The usual prepositions to use after "\1" is 'with' not "\2" Did you mean \1 \2 \3 with \5 [...]? The new labour laws will have consequenceson employees. located on [A-Z][a-z].* Street|Road|Blvd|Boulevard|Avenue|Ave|St|Rd The usual preposition for an exact address is "at" not "on". Did you mean located at \3 ? The company's name is Denver Inc. and its located on 11056 Henri-Bourassa street. T located on [A-Z][a-z].* [A-Z][a-z]+ Street|Road|Blvd|Boulevard|Avenue|Ave|St|Rd The usual preposition for an exact address is "at" not "on". Did you mean located at \3 ? The company's name is Denver Inc. and its located on 11056 Henri-Bourassa street. T on the sewers|sewer|hole|pit|middle|center The usual prepositions to use when surrounded is "in" not "on". Did you mean in \2 \3? The button is on the middle of the screen. on the top|bottom right|left corner The usual prepositions to use with a corner "in" not "on". Did you mean in \2 \3 \4 corner? The button is on the top left corner of the screen. similar as a|an be The usual prepositions to use with "similar" is "to" not "as". Did you mean similar to \3 \4? the roof will be similar as a church. kind with The usual preposition to use with "kind" is "to." Did you mean kind to? All the people he met were very kind with him. come in office The words "come in" and "come to" have different meanings. "Come in \3 office" means "have an orgasm in \3 office." "Come to" or "Come into" means "enter." Did you mean come to or come into? Finally, the boss called us all to come in her giant office for a meeting. motivation in study Do not use "motivation in study." Use a "to" + infinitive form instead. Did you mean motivation to study? It is very important for them because motivation in study is the best ways for them to get good mark and high spirit in study process. in the right|left hand side The usual prepositions to use when in contact with the side is "on" not "in". Did you mean on \2 \3 hand \5? The button is in the left hand side of the screen. in the top|bottom of the screen The usual prepositions to use with bottom or top is "at" not "in". Did you mean at \2 \3? The button is in the top of the screen. breakfast|lunch|dinner|supper|snack|meal|feast to The usual prepositions to use when you do something for the benefit of another person is "for". Did you mean \2 for \4 \5? The button is in the left hand side of the screen. difficult to The usual preposition to follow "difficult" is 'for" when followed by a pronoun. "Difficult" and "to" only appear together when "to" forms part of an infinitive structure. Did you mean \1 for \3? Studying grammar is difficult for me.