LT office integration log from Mon Feb 13 12:02:40 EST 2023 LanguageTool 6.1-SNAPSHOT (2023-02-12 17:40:44 +0000, 3c94981) OS: Linux 6.1.10-200.fc37.x86_64 on amd64 LibreOffice (The Fedora Project), en-US Java-Version: 17.0.6, max. Heap-Space: 7960 MB, LT Heap Space Limit: 7164 MB getLTDictionaryFile: LT dictionary file doesn't exist: start to create MultiDocumentsHandler: getNumDoc: Document 0 created; docID = 1 SingleDocument: getCheckResults: SortedTextId and DocumentElementsCount are not supported by LO! Time to generate LT spelling file: 46 setLtDictionary: Create LT spelling dictionary __LT_en-US_internal1.dic Internal LT dicitionary for language en-US added: Number of words = 44008 Time to generate dictionary: 123 Disposing document has no content: Wait for 1000 milliseconds MultiDocumentsHandler: getCurrentDocument: Is document, but not a text document! MultiDocumentsHandler: getCurrentDocument: Is document, but not a text document! MultiDocumentsHandler: getCurrentDocument: Is document, but not a text document! MultiDocumentsHandler: getCurrentDocument: Is document, but not a text document! getLTDictionaryFile: LT dictionary file doesn't exist: start to create Disposed document 1 removed MultiDocumentsHandler: getNumDoc: Document 0 created; docID = 2 SingleDocument: getCheckResults: SortedTextId and DocumentElementsCount are not supported by LO! Time to generate LT spelling file: 0 setLtDictionary: Create LT spelling dictionary __LT_uk-UA_internal1.dic Internal LT dicitionary for language uk-UA added: Number of words = 0 Time to generate dictionary: 0 Time to generate cache(6): 820 TextLevelCheckQueue: run: Interrupt ended Time to generate cache(6): 694 Warning: CURSOR_TYPE_UNKNOWN at Paragraph 22: deleted Characters set to null Paragraph : 'Українська національна комісія з питань правопису своїм рішенням від 12 липня 2019 р. визначила Видавництво «Наукова думка»' Time to generate cache(5): 825 java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read field "Language" because "locale" is null at org.languagetool.openoffice.OfficeTools.localeToString( at org.languagetool.openoffice.TextLevelCheckQueue.getLanguage( at org.languagetool.openoffice.TextLevelCheckQueue$ Time to generate cache(5): 778 Time to generate cache(5): 1142 Time to generate cache(5): 1300 Time to generate cache(5): 1962 Time to generate cache(5): 1215 Time to generate cache(5): 796 Time to generate cache(5): 1223 Time to generate cache(5): 733 Time to generate cache(5): 815 Time to generate cache(5): 911 Time to generate cache(5): 1558 Time to generate cache(5): 859 Time to generate cache(5): 1343 Time to generate cache(5): 1281 Time to generate cache(5): 836 Time to generate cache(5): 2396 Time to generate cache(5): 1903 Time to generate cache(5): 918 Time to generate cache(5): 3016 Time to generate cache(5): 2225 Time to generate cache(5): 1374 Time to generate cache(5): 742 Time to generate cache(5): 821 Time to generate cache(5): 710 Time to generate cache(5): 1420 Time to generate cache(5): 724 Time to generate cache(5): 733 Time to generate cache(5): 7088 Time to generate cache(5): 1210 Time to generate cache(5): 726 Time to generate cache(5): 1752 Time to generate cache(5): 711 Time to generate cache(5): 1298 Time to generate cache(5): 722 Time to generate cache(5): 5530 Time to generate cache(5): 1069 Time to generate cache(5): 994 Time to generate cache(5): 2105 Time to generate cache(5): 1138 Time to generate cache(5): 696 Time to generate cache(5): 3856 Time to generate cache(5): 1367 Time to generate cache(5): 725 Time to generate cache(5): 3728 Time to generate cache(5): 1780 Time to generate cache(5): 710 Time to generate cache(5): 977 Time to generate cache(5): 739 Time to generate cache(5): 1920 Time to generate cache(5): 1454 Time to generate cache(5): 732 Time to generate cache(5): 3301 Time to generate cache(5): 734 Time to generate cache(5): 3685 Time to generate cache(5): 3085 Time to generate cache(5): 1287 Time to generate cache(5): 1643