Cutomizing CSS


Can you please show me how to customize the way Language Tool detect errors instead of using just red-underline (custom color, highlight, font-size…). By this way, we can customize error’s detection for each rule individually.

I tried to create a rules.css file and change path in grammar.xml pointing to that css but it doesn’t work.


Are you talking about the web interface? That would require changes here, then needs to be called for the changes to become active.

No, I means LT’s stand-alone version on PC (I can see on grammar.xml has a .css file), so I think I can customize rules.css for changing errors detection’s color…(as in Text Studio), but it doesnt work.

For background colours, you can use the ‘errorColors’ setting in the languagetool.cfg configuration file. A little more information is in languagetool/CHANGES.txt at master · languagetool-org/languagetool · GitHub.

Here is an example:

For a list of the values that you can use for ‘type’, refer to Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) Version 2.0 -- (Editors' copy)

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Thank you so much! This is exactly what I need.