[pt] Foreign words (italised)



What is the file that stores the subject’s words?

I have a physical dictionary with tons of them, but mostly are Latin, so the speller will show them as typos.

But in other grammar book, starting at page 100, I have tons of them.

I will try to do some work on it before the official release date at the end of March.


It depends. If they have a commonly used replacement use the replace_multi.txt file and add the Portuguese equivalent.
It is a list of Latin expressions like the one you see in multiwords.txt, and that I will add one of these days, make a new text file and I will create a new Java rule for Latin expressions.
If they are single words, they should be in a grammar.xml rule and in the spelling.txt.

Add to grammar.xml beginning section:

<!ENTITY latim "ipsis|verbis|lorem|....

Notice that if the rule is too extensive, it may have to be trimmed or disabled by default.
Even with the commonly accepted barbarisms I have added, I had to make more revision work than what I had expected.

Please, do not add an entire Latin dictionary, like this:
Try to limit to the most common words and expressions. Tons is good, but it has to be workable.

Done as multiwords in multiwords.txt.
All the most common phrases are covered now, chunked in two words groups , so it actually extends its usefulness without significant false positive increase.
Other texts can be formatted as Latin and use the regular Latin dictionary.