Today I learned about Das Genderwörterbuch. This could be a great optional addition to the existing rules, for people who want to write more gender-neutral. Is there a possibility that these suggestions are included?
Hi @rosetree! First of all, thank you for your positive feedback!
Your suggestion about the Genderwörterbuch is highly appreciated. Coincidentally, we are already aware of that site and a number of its recommendations have already inspired LT rules.
A more in-depth rule set for suggesting a more gender-neutral (and, more generally, inclusive) way of writing is in the works. It might not be ready tomorrow, so to speak, because this requires careful research. The academic and societal discourses on those topics are quite dynamic, and we need to be on top of things.
To give you a rough estimate, I’d say that come spring, a way more complete set of inclusive writing suggestions will be active.
There has been some real progress. In the latest version, you can create your own rule set and put it into a file grammar_custom.xml in the same directory as grammar.xml for your language.