Adding a new language, Venetan

Hi all! I would like to add my language, if you like: Venetan (a language spoken in Italy). I will read this page Development Overview - LanguageTool Wiki and this one Adding A New Language - LanguageTool Wiki.
I’ve already made spellcheckers for Venetan for LibreOffice and Mozilla products.
Thank you!


Welcome, Mauro Trevisan!

Nice to see you here!

“the chains that bind us grow stronger”


A question: following the steps described in Adding A New Language - LanguageTool Wiki I came to point 4, where it says “replace xy with the ISO 639-1 Code of your language”. Now, what if my language does not have a ISO 639-1 code but only a 639-3 code? (vec-IT)

Hi Marco! You too are here! XD How do you do?

It’s okay to use vec in that case.

Mauro, I am on holiday at last!
