Adding FastText

I am using LT as my own server, challenged by the following error message

org.languagetool.language.LanguageIdentifier Cannot consider noopLanguages because not in fastText mode: [en, en]

I installed FastText from Get started · fastText

The --help option told me that I have to point to a File, but I wonder which one? The FastText Folder contains almost 600 Files. :smiley:

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fasttextModel is the model from Language identification · fastText, fasttextBinary is the fastText binary itself (called fasttext on my installation).

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It may not work because I host it locally via wsl.
If I search the executable It cannot be found.

whereis fasttext

But in my Config I link to the installation folder


In my mind this should work but:

WARN org.languagetool.language.LanguageIdentifier Cannot consider noopLanguages because not in fastText mode: [de, en]

Did you spell it like that? It’s fasttextModel.

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: Alright. Solved. Thanks

The next version of LT will now print a warning if a key is not known.