I’m pleased to announce the release of LanguageTool 3.0. As usual, it is available for download at https://www.languagetool.org.
Changes include:
- Many updates for the error detection rules for Breton, Catalan, English, German, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Ukrainian
- Bug fixes
- Java API: removed deprecated methods; cleanups
Please see languagetool/CHANGES.md at v3.0 · languagetool-org/languagetool · GitHub for a complete list of changes.
If the update from the extension manager in LibreOffice/OpenOffice fails for you, please uninstall the old version, restart, and then install the new version.
SHA256 checksums:
ef47f750424351bff6f662efdb91a13e1f719077f92d4b9150eb2d24a30b0a61 LanguageTool-3.0.oxt
52f7b27a7c040db3e824bf115302ea0737a5f0b4573b0c012c2a26a96680fc3d LanguageTool-3.0.zip