Capital mistake

For Dutch, the meaning of a word can depend on whether it is capitalized or not. Examples: a ‘zwitser’ is a murderer, a ‘Zwitser’ a person from Switzerland. A mohawk is a haircut, a Mohawk a person of the indigenous people; an ‘amsterdammer’ is a parking blocker; and ‘Amsterdammer’ is a person from Amsterdam.
Of course, this is done wrong quite a lot.

The standard rule wrongwordincontext is almost what Dutch would need, except for:

  • the need of case sensitivity
  • not triggering on the start of a sentence.

Is Dutch the only language having this issue? Would it be a lot of work to create a ‘caseconfusionrule’ ?

Can you provide an example? I cannot reproduce with German.

Taking your last commit relative to this

You can achieve that by changing this:
#mohawk Mohawk m M (kapsel|haar) (stam|cowboy|indiaan) kapsel indiaan
for this:
(?-i)mohawk (?-i)Mohawk m M (kapsel|haar) (stam|cowboy|indiaan) kapsel indiaan

For other cases, just add (?-i) to the detection regexps you need to be case sensitive.

Thanks. I will try this.

Since the start of a sentence requires a capital, there is no use triggering the rule.

one exception: starting a sentence with the florin mark “ƒ”. (the base-glyph has a capitalized form that should not be used in this context)
NL “ƒ12,45 was de toegangsprijs volgens het oorspronkelijke kaartje.”
EN “ƒ12.45 was the entrance-fee according to the original ticket.”

And other symbols and numbers. But that is an exception to exceptions, better to be ignored.