Check writings in all apps, à la Grammarly

Update 12/2023 by the LanguageTool team: We offer a desktop-wide checking for Mac now at LanguageTool - Grammar Checker for macOS - it supports Apple Mail, Apple Notes, Apple Pages and Apple Messages so far. Support for more applications will be added. A version for Windows is available here, it supports Outlook and Word so far.


Grammarly recently released their desktop apps which can check writings in all apps:

I’ve never used Grammarly before, but this feature sounds incredibly powerful and I didn’t even know it was technically feasible. I would like to request a similar feature in LanguageTool so that LT can work everywhere, even where no plugins are available.

Thank you in advance!


Additional clarifications:

  • I do use LT’s desktop app for macOS, but mostly as a Safari extension because I find it cumbersome to copy the text, use the keyboard shortcut to launch LT and check the pasted text. Grammarly’s approach is much more seamless.
  • I use unofficial LT plugins for Obsidian and VS Code, but these plugins use the free HTTP API from LT and thus cannot access my personal LT dictionary and the premium features. Not to mention, there’re many apps that doesn’t have LT plugins. Implementing this feature would allow users to access the full LT experience everywhere.

What a great function, true.

Indeed. I have never used Grammarly before, but I downloaded their new desktop app after making this post just to test how well the feature works in real life. The floating bubble gets in the way occasionally, but all things considered, it’s mind-blowing.

Wow, thank you LanguageTool team! This is a very pleasant surprise to me.