Chrome add-on update

Please help test the new add-on for Chrome (Firefox will follow later):

  • uninstall existing LT add-on, if any
  • open chrome://extensions in Chrome
  • drag’n’drop the attached ZIP file into the browser window
  • test the add-on, especially the new auto-check feature (hover over the icon that appears in text areas and select the auto-check option). (459.1 KB)

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This version is now available in the store - it only gets rolled out step by step, so if you have an old version installed, you might not get the update automatically yet.

Users` review page in Chrome Web Store seems to be unmaintained. Added a reply to the comment of a Russian user.

BTW, after taking the first suggestion to correct the error for several times (there is a rule loop), the plugin fails on LT Russian home page

I don’t speak Russian, I can only reply to users commenting in English or German, so I rely on the community to reply to comments in other languages.

I can not reproduce this error.
Konstantin, can you describe actions step by step?

See a short screencast video available at google drive link

Yes, I can confirm this problem for Google Chrome and Firefox.

But this problem does not occur if I cut and paste default text. And run LT Add-on for Chrome.

I have reproduced this error for English.
Step to reproduce:

  1. Type “Paste your own text here and click the ‘Check Text’ button … Click the colored phrases for details on potential errors.”
  2. Press “Check text” button on LT home page.
  3. Run LT Chrome add-on.
  4. Try correct error “Two consecutive dots” and others.
  5. An error occurs.

Does Discourse have an option to mark this thread as an unfixed bug?