./build.sh nl clean test
does not perform the same tests as testrules.sh. An error is disambiguation was ignored; Is it tested?
It’s supposed to be tested, ./testrules.sh nl
print this for me (among other things):
Running disambiguator rule tests...
Running disambiguation tests for Dutch...
I added a rule in the disambiguation file; tested it with build.nl ; no errors. Committed it; a red cross was the result. Indeed there was an error…
testing the same disambig file wiht testrules.sh did show the result…
mvn --projects languagetool-language-modules/nl --also-make clean test
gives (amongst a lot of aother lines):
Running XML validation for nl/grammar.xml…
Running XML validation for nl/grammar-test-1.xml…
No rule file found at /org/languagetool/rules/nl/grammar-test-1.xml in classpath
Running pattern rule tests for Dutch… 2750 rules tested.
But nothing about disambiguation.xml …
I’ve changed that now, i.e. ./build.sh nl test
should be more complete now.