is there a way to build a version to use in java including some selected Language classes / resources? Via Maven maybe? We only need English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish (with variants).
We want to integrate 5 Languages only and we are currently build manually a JAR file wich contains the neeede languages and a This JAR will be together with listed ones iinto one directory: languagetool-languages.jar
Wich of the following JARs are really needed for a JAVA intergrated solution:
That’s easy: just delete all languages that you don’t need from languagetool-language-modules/all/pom.xml and re-build. Maven will care about the dependencies.
Which maven goals has to be executed for our needs?
And which Jars do we need excatly?
We have some of te 3rd party libs already included in our sofware like Apache Commons. Are the additional libs build into the language jars? Or do we need them seperatly?
You need to run “mvn package”. The resulting file is languagetool-standalone/target/, it will contain all the JARs you need, plus you need the “org” folder (which you may also zip and call languages.jar or whatever).
But the above refers to “building my own version of LT”. If you have an existing Java software you should specify LT as a dependency in your pom.xml. If you don’t need a language, just don’t specify it. This is described on Java API - LanguageTool Wiki, also for the case you’re not using Maven or a similar build system.