I just encountered the tag “PAR”.
Lemma: ggf. Part of speech: ABK:wort=gegebenenfalls:PAR
What does it mean? “Partikel”? It is missing from tagset.txt.
I just encountered the tag “PAR”.
Lemma: ggf. Part of speech: ABK:wort=gegebenenfalls:PAR
What does it mean? “Partikel”? It is missing from tagset.txt.
It doesn’t seem to be documented, not even in the original docs. I’d ignore it, it occurs only 10 or so times in the whole dictionary.
Thanks! So when I want to tag an abbreviation myself (like “USt”) I just use “ABK:wort=Umsatzsteuer”?
Or better ABK:wort=Umsatzsteuer:SUB