I’m not a programmer. The only options when I run LT for me are the ones
in the menu>option.
When using the stand-alone version, LT assumes the files are in the encoding
of your system. If you’re on Windows, that’s cp-1252. Thus you should save
your text files in that encoding.
Just can’t get this code to work and yet you gave me the basics
I have
<rule id="EXAMPLE_RULE" name="Find French Bracket">
<message>Did you mean <suggestion>"</suggestion>?</message>
<example type="incorrect">French<marker>«</marker> is wrong.</example>
<example type="correct">English " is right.</example>
What might be causing the problem is that when I load the text, I can see that just before « a strange character appears. It looks like Â
I take it out but the code still does not find « ?
I take it out but the code still does not find « ?
Sorry, I tested this with German and text tokenization didn’t work the same
there. This should now be fixed, so please try again with tomorrow’s
snapshot from Index of /snapshots/