[en] Postags for proper nouns

The postag NNP is missing from some British place names. I do not want to add the postags to added.txt because of the bug ([en] Added.txt gives postag NNP to lower-case text · Issue #1029 · languagetool-org/languagetool · GitHub).

  1. Is the ‘bug’ really a bug, or is it by design?
  2. If it is a bug, is anyone planning to correct it before the release of LT 4.3?

(If the behaviour is by design, or if it is a bug but there are no plans to correct it, I will add the postags in disambiguation.xml.)

Added postags and spelling ([en] Add pos and spelling for British place names · languagetool-org/languagetool@ee17a0d · GitHub).