The .txt has the words:
But Oxford dictionaries say that the plural of mitzvah is mitzvoth.
You can only see the plural in Oxford with a Gold Account.
The .txt has the words:
But Oxford dictionaries say that the plural of mitzvah is mitzvoth.
You can only see the plural in Oxford with a Gold Account.
I’ve just checked myself,
Mitzvahs and mitzvoth both directly links to mitzvah.
while mizvot and other misspellings simply bring up a search page.
this means (to me) that while mitzvoth is the preferred plural, mitzvahs is an acceptable (if laymanish) alternative.
(using both could help a story differentiate between a character who is an actual Jew and one who merely has a passing interest as the pronouncement seems to be different)
@marcoagpinto, fixed ([en] Add plural mitzvot, mitzvoth · languagetool-org/languagetool@ed9d2e4 · GitHub).
As @SkyCharger001 wrote, both mitzvah and mitzvoth are accepted as plurals of mitzvah. Also, mitzvot is a plural. References:
I added mitzvoth and mitzvot, because both are correct. Which of the three plurals a person uses is an editorial decision.