English False Postives

Hi, I am currently spellchecking a longer software documentation and I hope it is okay if I post all false positive I run across that I can reproduce in the online version:

Possible agreement error. The noun small seems to be countable; consider using: "many smalls".
  ✗ When a pull request has many small commits, this is an example text.
  ✓ When a pull request has many smalls commits, this is an example text.

Text checked by https://languagetool.lw1.at/v2/ (LanguageTool 3.9)

It seems like “commits” isn’t detected as a noun.

Did you mean  "parted"?
  ✗ All images should be part of the plugin.
  ✓ All images should be parted of the plugin.

Possible agreement error. The noun metrics seems to be uncountable; consider using: "some metrics".
  ✗ ...ta analyzed by Piwik. However there are several metrics, called core metrics, that are defined ...
  ✓ ...ta analyzed by Piwik. However there are some metrics, called core metrics, that are defined ...
Did you mean "this metrics" or ""?
  ✗ ...ion types or conversions should contain these metrics. Visit metrics Core metrics for a set o...
  ✓ ...ion types or conversions should contain this metrics. Visit metrics Core metrics for a set o...
  ✓ ...ion types or conversions should contain . Visit metrics Core metrics for a set o...

I’d consider metrics as a plural correct.

Maybe a wrong construction: a/the + infinitive
  ✗ A redirect will occur

I seems like it doesn’t detect “redirect” as a noun.

Consider replacing "in a new way" with adverb for "new"; e.g., "in a hasty manner" with "hastily".
  ✗ Show existing reports in a new way

I’d consider this correct as “Show existing reports newly” sounds odd.

Please check if the base form of the verb should be used here.
  ✗ This creates a very basic plugin for you including all the necessary files
  ✓ This creates a very basic plugin for you include all the necessary files

I am not sure if the sentence is correct.

Did you mean "you're" or "you are"?
  ✗ If this is an example, then your plugin's controller is an example
                             `                 ^^^^
  ✓ If this is an example, then you're plugin's controller is an example
  ✓ If this is an example, then you are plugin's controller is an example

Consider using "email".
  ✗ Please send an email to me
        `         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  ✓ Please email to me

This sentence sounds at least equally well as the suggestion to me.

Use "an" instead of 'a' if the following word starts with a vowel sound, e.g. 'an article', 'an hour'
  ✗ This is an email address or a username
  ✓ This is an email address or an username

Obviously it’s nearly impossible to detect this in software, but I’d consider “a user” correct.

Maybe a wrong construction: a/the + infinitive
  ✗ Your website authenticates via a login form.

Login is detected as a verb

@Findus23, ‘parted of’ and ‘metrics’ are fixed ([en] Improve SHOULD_BE_DO · languagetool-org/languagetool@a28a76d · GitHub).

In standard English, ‘commit’ is not a noun and ‘redirect’ is not a verb.

This creates a very basic plugin for you, which includes all the necessary files.
This creates a very basic plugin that includes all the necessary files.

Yes, but please put each problem on Issues · languagetool-org/languagetool · GitHub. Thanks.

Hi, thanks for the help

You are right there isn’t really a way to fix this.

I just wanted to avoid opening lots of github isses, some of which wouldn’t really be a issue of languagetool.

Thanks again for this great software which helped me quickly spellcheck 10000 lines of Markdown (https://developer.piwik.org/)

I agree. The message is only a suggestion about a possibly wordy sentence.

On COCA (https://corpus.byu.edu/coca/), there are 13 instances of ‘plugin’ and 763 instances of ‘plug-in’. Microsoft Manual of Style, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, and Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary have ‘plug-in’ for the noun. Thus, at this stage, I won’t add the term ‘plugin’ as a noun.

Fixed ([en] Improve SEND_AN_EMAIL and SENT_AN_EMAIL · languagetool-org/languagetool@2f8314a · GitHub).

Both fixed ([en] Add postags, remove postags · languagetool-org/languagetool@a1e0d20 · GitHub).

Thanks for your reports.

Many thanks for resolving those issues!