Errors de puntuació

Amb l’extensió LT del navegador Chrome i des de l’aplicació de correu gmail, quan després d’un punt o una coma ens deixem l’espai el corrector ens avisa. Però després d’un punt o una coma i un salt de línia ens dóna error i suggereix posar-hi l’espai.

Això no passa si ho faig des de d’aquest fòrum o copio a una altra banda.
No sé si té a veure que gmail no faci servir el caràcter de retorn i l’inclogui quan copiem i enganxem.

Idioma: Català

Falta un espai després del punt.
…d’aquest fòrum o copio a una altra banda.No sé si té a veure que gmail no faci serv…
. No

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Algun suggeriment?

@jaumeortola I almost understand the issue, but only almost. Could you help translate the relevant parts?

I have tried to reproduce the issue.

In Gmail if the line ending is a line break (shift+enter), the analysis is done as if there is no whitespace and some rules are matched (like CommaWhitespaceRule) or even a spelling error is found (two words are joined).

Are you aware of this problem? Can you fix it?

This should be fixed now, it might take a few hours until the fix appears in Google’s Web Store and it might take a little longer for your browser to download the update.

It seems to work very well. Thank you Daniel.

Hi Daniel. I tried to use the LT extension for Firefox browser. It seems that the puntuation’s fix has not been applied here. Is that true?

1: Don’t put a space before the full stop. + Ignora la frase marcada…n of Firefox browser . It seems

The Firefox version is not 100% up-to-date with the Chrome one. This will change when Firefox 48 is released, i.e. in about 4 weeks. Firefox and Chrome will then use the same add-on.