Failed to load built-in Java rules for language XYZ

I’m trying to integrate LanguageTool in my Java web application. I’m using Maven as shown in your documentation:

When I add the dependency as shown there, I get an exception telling me that the rules for language XYZ could not be loaded. I tried several languages and get - everytime - the same error.

Is there anything I forgot to do? Or did anybody else have this problem?

EDIT: I did not add any *.lib files to my project since I expect maven to handle all dependencies. Is that correct?

When I add the dependency as shown there, I get an exception telling
me that the rules for language XYZ could not be loaded.

Could you post the complete error message?


Hi Daniel, I already fixed it. Next to the maven dependency it is REQUIRED to add all *.lib files from the lib directory from the current release e.g. “”.


EDIT: Unfortunately, the result is not very good. The errors in the following sentences are not detected “Bekomme ich einen Studienplattz, bekommen Sie einen läckeren Schokokuchen!”. Nevertheless, thank you for the effort you put in this library!

When I add the dependency as shown there, I get an exception telling
me that the rules for language XYZ could not be loaded.

Your class path needs to contain files named
META-INF/org/languagetool/, with content like


These files should already be part of the language-specific JARs, e.g.


Adding the is not sufficient. When I remove all the libs like “morfologic-stemming.jar, …” I get an error telling me that the rules cannot be loaded.

You are talking of a “languagetool-de-2.2.jar”, can I download this file somewhere? I couldn’t find it.

Last but not least, the bad results were my fault, I initializted JLanguageTool with “new German()” instead of “new GermanyGerman()” which finds the errors!

You are talking of a “languagetool-de-2.2.jar”, can I download this
file somewhere? I couldn’t find it.

Maven should automatically download those files (if you specified e.g.
language-de as a dependency in your pom.xml) for you and put them in
your *.war file.
