These are the things that you can improve:
Here are some names you could add to the French language.
“bolos” is actually a word: this is a second spelling of boloss.
Add more rules on the punctuation Ponctuation, Tirets, Traits d’unions, Signes moins, Guillemets.
Please add a rule to differentiate words that have two genres.
Improve the rules to differentiate homophones.
Some words are missing in the French dictionary, such as aa (LOL), qibla… Here is a large list of French words. And here is a list of list of words.
Add some rules for writing numbers.
A rule for the plurals of the colours.
Another suggestion is to give the definition of a word when you double-click.
Add a rule to check if the last character is a space, and if so, remove it.
Add a rule for the “appartenance”.
Improve this rule.