Future of the LibreOffice/OpenOffice add-on

We’ll make some changes to LanguageTool’s LibreOffice/OpenOffice add-on: For years, the add-on has been maintained only by a single person (@Fred.Kruse), so we think it makes sense to turn the add-on into an external project that’s not officially maintained by LanguageTool anymore. What it means is this:

  • The source code has been moved it its own repo (see here)
  • The translations have moved to that new repo, too
  • There will be no further nightly snapshots of the .oxt provided by LT
  • The add-on will be available in the stores (LibreOffice, OpenOffice), but LT will not make new major releases for now

The status of the add-on is now the same as many other add-ons: It’s community-supported, but not supported by LT anymore. Anybody is free to fork the new repo and work on their fork, of course.

Please note the following post: