Google docs in page tool


Couple of weeks ago I installed LanguageTool on google docs. I don’t know how I got it but on that computer in google docs I get besides every page an icon that tells me if there is something wrong or not on that page grammar wise. And also I could also just click on the word if there was something with it and could correct it very fast. I thought this is very helpfull and more user friendly.
Now i’m working on another computer and the icon next to every page isn’t showing anymore. And I really don’t know what I did to get this working on that other computer.

It looks like this:

But i’m sure I never did something with this. Does anybody know how to get that icon next to every page on google docs?

Hi Rolinda, to get the check you describe, simply install the LanguageTool browser add-on: LanguageTool - Online Grammar, Style & Spell Checker

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Oh really, I feel stupid now… Thank you very much!