"Grammatical problem" is too general a message

I know it’s meant to be short, but I find “Grammatical problem” too general. Hope all rules with this short message can benefit from clearer (though still relatively short) messages.

E.g. for id=“PROGRESSIVE_VERBS”, the existing long message is
This verb is normally not used in the progressive form. Try a simple form.instead.

My suggestion for the short message:
Verb not usually in progressive form

It’s a brief (newspaper headline) version of the long message. With this, the user may understand the reason for flagging right there, instead of clicking further.

Added to my task list.

Partly done. Refer to [en] Improve short message 'Grammatical problem' · languagetool-org/languagetool@59756a8 · GitHub

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For rules with suggestions, not giving a more precise idea of the problem is ok actually. It’s only not so user-friendly when the user is simply told “Grammatical problem”.