Help with verb consistency rule

I am trying to write rule to suggest consistency between verb tense in the first half of a sentence and the second half using skip="-1" but it isn’t working. I am still using LT 1.7, so if it is a version problem please let me know.

The error is here: Once the project manager had (has) been recruited, the next condition is about their training.

The LT rule I have so far is as follows:

<rule id="HAD_BEEN_VBN_SKIP_VBZ" name="Once the project manager had (has) been recruited, the next condition is about their training">    
  <token postag="VBN"></token>
  <token skip="-1" postag_regexp="yes" postag="VBZ|VBP"></token>
 <message>You began the sentence in the past with 'had been \3', but then you have a present tense verb '\5' in the next clause. Consider making 'had' into 'has', as in <suggestion>has been \3</suggestion> or change '\5' to <suggestion><match no="5" postag="VBD"></match></suggestion></message>
        <short>Verb tense consistency</short>
        <example correction="has" type="incorrect">Once the project manager <marker>had</marker> been recruited, the next condition is about their training.</example>  

Any help with this problem would be much appreciated.
Best wishes,

On Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012, you wrote:

I am trying to write rule to suggest consistency between verb tense in
the first half of a sentence and the second half using skip=“-1” but it
isn’t working. I am still using LT 1.7, so if it is a version problem
please let me know.

It seems to work if you put the skip in this element:



Excellent! The extra skip got the rule working for me.