[Java 11] Dependencies & Requirements

My problem is using LT in a Maven project in the jpms (Java Platform Module System) environment under Java 11.

On the one hand I want to create JLanguageTool with the Language GermanyGerman and need the two imports:
import org.languagetool.JLanguageTool;
import org.languagetool.language.GermanyGerman;

On the other hand I need the two requirements in the module-info:
requires languagetool.core;
requires language.de;
which cannot be added together, because both modules contain the package org.languagetool.language.

Unfortunately I can’t come up with the right solution how to solve the knot.

Thanks in advance

The issue was reported and discussed at GitHub issue [jdk11] problem with dependencies · Issue #3303 · languagetool-org/languagetool · GitHub in Jul '20.

As @thk_ahs described LT has a problem that share the same package o.l.langauge among core and language modules.
It prevent library users who want to develop their application as Java 9 new features like JPMS, jlink etc.

I’ve proposed possible solution as GitHub Pull-Request Support Java9 Platform Module System(JPMS) by miurahr · Pull Request #9406 · languagetool-org/languagetool · GitHub

It will force users to change Language class imports from o.l.l to o.l.l.(lang) so we need more engineering to help users migration.