to Spanish

Hi again,

I’ve translated all the strings in transifex[0] to Spanish (hope someone review them).
Now I’d like to tranlate LanguageTool website to Spanish. I’ve read[1] that this is a single file (index.php) but I don’t know how to proceed.

[0]Transifex Explore Projects
[1]Translating messages (i18n) - LanguageTool Wiki


Thanks for the translations. I’ll ask on our mailing list for someone to review them.

For the website, you could take the file at languagetool-website/index.php at master · languagetool-org/languagetool-website · GitHub, translate everything up to line 62. The rest is specific to German, so it doesn’t make much sense to directly translate it. But you could instead write a new text, describing what LT is, examples of errors it can find etc. Just send me that page via email and I’ll integrate it. Thanks!