Lithuanian spell-checking


lithuanian spell-cheking is not working. It just keeps saying that everything is correct even if you write gibberish like
sadfsdafsadfsad dsaffds and so on.

It’s not working because it’s simply not supported. Lithuanian in LT is currently not maintained. Please consider becoming a maintainer, or ask someone who might be interested. More information is available at Tasks For Language Maintainers - LanguageTool Wiki

Hello. I came across the same issue. My question is then why does it appear to be supported? For example, the sample web app on the home page lists Lithuanian. I almost ended up putting the Lithuanian spellcheck into my Java app. Since I don’t know Lithuanian I didn’t bother to check it. Of course, one of my users might have noticed, which would not have looked good.

I see that some languages only have a few grammar rules, like Lithuanian, Japanese, and Chinese. Is there some sort of document that explains that spellchecking isn’t available for those languages so that developers like me don’t mistakenly assume it working?

You could start Lithuanian yourself. It is not very complex.