I’m pleased to welcome Jim (jimregan (Jim O’Regan) · GitHub) as a new committer. He has been working on support for Irish for quite some time, and we have recently merged it, so it will be part of LanguageTool 4.9, to be released in about 3 months. Irish is already available on languagetool.org (just select “auto-detect” and write or paste Irish text) and in the browser add-on. Welcome, Jim, looking forward to your contributions.
Thanks for the welcome.
I’m Jim. I used to work on Apertium, which some of you may be familiar with. I’m currently an English teacher in Poland, but prior to this, I had been working on technology for Irish in Trinity College, Dublin.
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Welcome, Jim. Good to see this language in LT!
Welcome, Jim!
Welcome to our community!