New commonly confused words rules

<rule id="ID" name="Correct spelling of barbed wire.">    
 <message>Replace "barb wire" with the correct spelling of <suggestion>barbed wire</suggestion>.</message>
 <example correction=''>The <marker>barb wire</marker> was black.</example>
 <example>The barbed wire was black.</example>
<rule id="ID" name="Be sure and vs. be sure to">    
 <message>Replace "be sure and" with the correct phrase <suggestion>be sure to</suggestion>.</message>
 <example correction=''><marker>Be sure and</marker> write the mayor.</example>
 <example>Be sure to write the mayor.</example>
<rule id="ID" name="By and large vs. by in large">    
 <message>Replace "by in large" with the correct phrase <suggestion>by and large</suggestion>.</message>
 <example correction=''>He is correct <marker>by in large</marker>.</example>
 <example>He is correct by and large.</example>
<rule id="ID" name="Calvary (city) vs. cavalry (mounted solider unit)">    
 <message>Replace "Calvary" (city) vs. <suggestion>cavalry</suggestion> (mounted solider unit)</message>
 <example correction=''>The <marker>calvary</marker> is on the way.</example>
 <example>The cavalry is on the way.</example>
<rule id="ID" name="Case and point vs. case in point">    
 <message><suggestion>Case in point</suggestion> is the correct version of "case and point".</message>
 <example correction=''><marker>Case and point</marker>.</example>
 <example>Case in point.</example>
<rule id="ID" name="Daylight savings time vs. daylight saving time">    
 <message><suggestion>daylight saving time</suggestion> is the correct phrase.</message>
 <example correction=''>It's now <marker>daylight savings time</marker>.</example>
 <example>It's now daylight saving time.</example>

About the last rule, we can refer the data from Google ngrams:

<rule id="ID" name="Down the pike">    
 <message>When anticipating a future event, <suggestion>down the pike</suggestion> is the correct usage. "Down the pipe" is not.</message>
 <example correction=''>We are supposed to be receiving new equipment <marker>down the pipe</marker>.</example>
 <example>We are supposed to be receiving new equipment down the pike.</example>
<rule id="ID" name="Duct tape">    
 <message>Duck tape is the incorrect usage of the phrase <suggestion>duct tape</suggestion>.</message>
 <example correction=''>Use some <marker>duck tape</marker> to fix the leak.</example>
 <example>Use some duct tape to fix the leak.</example>
<rule id="ID" name="Fair to middling">    
 <message><suggestion>Fair to middling</suggestion> is the correct usage of the phrase "fair to midland."</message>
 <example correction=''>The weather forecast is <marker>fair to midland</marker>.</example>
 <example>The weather forecast is fair to middling.</example>
<rule id="ID" name="One fell swoop">    
 <message><suggestion>One fell swoop</suggestion>, meaning all at once, is the correct usage of the phrase "one foul swoop".</message>
 <example correction=''>In <marker>one foul swoop</marker> he wiped the table.</example>
 <example>In one fell swoop he wiped the table.</example>