As per documentation, the spelling.txt file contains list of words that are ignored as well as available for suggestions for an incorrect word.
I have added a word “docurated” which is a product name to spelling_en-US.txt file. Now If I send the text “My name is docuratid” for checking, I was hoping that LT will return the word "docurated’ as part of suggestion list.
However it is not returning the word mentioned in spelling.txt file.
Do I need to make additional changes so that a word appears as suggestion?
Thank you for the response.
Your reply suggests that the issue is not specific to a particular word but the whole list in spelling.txt is not considered for generating suggestions?
I noticed that same issue is reproducable for en-GB language as well.
In the published version the file needs to be at ./org/languagetool/resource/xx/hunspell/spelling.txt in most cases, with xx being a language code like en. Which language are you using?