New words spell checking


Hi I’ve added some words to LT dictionary.
LT tag these words(P.O.S Tagging) correctly like above picture.
However, LT send a false alarm(spell error) to some words like above picture.
And It seems it depends on that word’s position.(usually on subject position)
Can you help solving this problem??

@Pink5cean, I cannot reproduce that behaviour. I see a spelling error for both instances of Hobin.

The POS tagger and the spell checker are not related. If a word gives a spelling error, you can use one of these methods to prevent the spelling error:

  • Add the word to spelling.txt
  • In disambiguation, use an external file (Tips and Tricks - LanguageTool Wiki). Add a rule to ignore spelling for your terms. For an example, refer to en/disambiguation.xml rule <rule name="cc'ing spelling" id="CC_ING_SPELLING">

But, a web search shows that many people are called Hobin, so I added the POS and the spelling to LanguageTool ([en] Add POS and spelling for 'Hobin' · languagetool-org/languagetool@ce232cc · GitHub).

Thanks. I have solved this problem.