No longer highlights errors on Reddit

Not sure why, but after the recent UI update on reddit - LanguageTool no longer highlights errors in text, and it only happens on reddit, while using firefox. I’ve tried clearing cache, cookies, reinstalling the LanguageTool, but nothing helped. It still counts errors, and I can click on the addon button and see them, although I’ve noticed that highlighted suggestions in blue text bubbles are also sometimes missing text, again only on reddit. Disabling new UI fixes the issues, and I haven’t found any other sites yet where those issues appear.

Could you send a screenshot with more context? I cannot reproduce the issue so far, and I seem to be using the new design (at least it’s not turned off in my settings).

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In the first two examples, I am using new UI, and you can see that incorrect words aren’t underscored with red line, but without new UI they are correctly underscored. You can also see on the second screenshot that for some reason blue text bubbles are messed up, missing letters or words, when I clicked on the LanguageTool button.

There we go - on the old UI everything seems fine:

Thanks, I can reproduce now, and I see it’s already fixed in the latest dev version. I’ll remind the dev team to make a new release soon.


Just to clarify - the addon in firefox says it was updated yesterday, it wasn’t the fix yet though?

Are you looking in the settings of your own Firefox? The latest update was about a month ago (see store entry):

Yeah, was looking at settings. Weird.
Screenshot 2024-04-18 120545