POS identified yet still creating a spelling error

I’ve noticed a few cases (most recently for “ziti”) where a word is recognized and identified with a POS (in this case NN), yet still a spelling error is thrown for it. Why is this? And is there a good way around it?

I’ve also seen it with a few two word cities (e.g., Los Angeles), is there a good work around for that as well that anyone knows of?

On Mi 13.02.2013, 07:58:49 you wrote:

I’ve noticed a few cases (most recently for “ziti”) where a word is
recognized and identified with a POS (in this case NN), yet still a
spelling error is thrown for it. Why is this? And is there a good way
around it?

It’s because the POS dictionary and the spelling dictionary are totally
independent in LanguageTool. I don’t know of a work around for that.

